Von Deutschland bis nach Sandschak – Sie haben ihr Ziel erreicht!

Novi Pazar - Eine dreiköpfige Radfahren Expedition von Novi Pazar, die vor 12 Tage nach Deutschland ging mit dem Ziel, mit fahrrädern nach Sandschak...

كريفوكابيتش يبادر بإقالة ليبوسافيتش بسبب إنكار الإبادة الجماعية في سريبرينيتسا

صرح رئيس وزراء الجبل الأسود زدرافكو كريفوكابيتش أنه بدأ إجراءات إقالة وزير العدل وحقوق الإنسان والأقليات فلاديمير ليبوسافيتش. قال رئيس الوزراء خلال خطابه الاستثنائي أنهم...

SPP und SDA unterzeichnet – Eine einzige islamische Gemeinschaft mit Hauptsitz in Novi Pazar...

Die Gerechtigkeits- und Versöhnungspartei (SPP) und die Sandžak-Partei der Demokratischen Aktion (SDA) haben heute Abend eine Vereinbarung über die Bildung einer Mehrheit in der...

Anniversary of 23 years since abduction of 16 Bosniaks from Sjeverin marked

Priboj - The opening of the memorial and dropping of flowers into the river Lim marked 23 years since the abduction and murder of...

Serbian Muslim Leader’s Son Seeks Govt Role After Father’s Death

Usame Zukorlic, the son of Muamer Zukorlic, a powerful Muslim leader in Serbia’s Sandzak region whose recent death remains unexplained, now aims to become...

سنجق: مظاهرات دعم فلسطين في مدينة روجايي

مئات من الأشخاص قام بمظاهرات دعم شعب فلسطين في مدينة روجايي في إقليم سنجق (الجزء في الجبل الأسود).  عبر المظاهرون في الساحة الرئيسية عن عدم...

MUFTI'S VISION BECOMES A REALITY – Work has begun on the highway through Sandzak

The works on the construction of the Požega-Duga Poljana section on the highway officially are underway in the presence of the President of Serbia,...

RTS'ye Konuşan Zukorliç: Köklü Değişimlerle Sancak'ın Refah Seviyesini Yükseltmeyi Hedefliyoruz

RTS televizyonun sabah programında yapılan partiler arası diyaloğunda Adalet ve Mutabakat Partisi'nin lideri Usame Zukorliç, seçim programını açıkladı. "Müftü'nün emaneti - Adalet ve Mutabakat Partisi"...

Exclusive – Supreme Council RABITA in Mecca discusses Sandzak

Saudi Arabia, Sandzak - In parallel with the conference on 'Islam and the fight against terrorism' in Mecca a session of the Supreme Council...

Serbian Patriarch invites country of Serbia to show it's strength against Novi Pazar

Serbia, Novi Pazar - The head of the Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej stated this evening that "much silence is kept" about the events...

Ljajic: Mladic told me he is not to blame for Srebrenica, resolution doesn't bring...

Serbia - Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Rasim Ljajic said that it would be a crime to deny what happened in Srebrenica, but it also...

Sandzak Mufti in Vienna: Laws for Muslims shouldn't be passed without consent of the...

Austria - Speaking to the annual Assembly of the Bosniak National Foundation - BNF, Sandzak Mufti, Muamer ef. Zukorlić said that the Austrian-Bosniak experience...

Mufti Zukorlic thoroughly explains Bosniak-Serbian dialogue issues, Sandzak, and IC to all of Serbia

Sandzak, Serbia - Sandzak Mufti Muamer ef. Zukorlic was a guest on the show "Pravac" which is broadcasted on TV Pink. In the show...

New step in realization of SPP SNS agreement – Raska-Novi Pazar railway to be...

Minister of Construction, Tomislav Momirović, stated that the Raška-Novi Pazar railway will be built in the next period, and that the project is being...

Letzte Nacht wurde in den Hauptnachrichten des russischen nationalen Fernsehens, die Erklärung von Mufti...

Russland - Der erste Kanal des russischen Staatsfernsehen hat eine Erklärung des Mufti Zukorlic  augestrahlt, über den Islam in dem berichten zu den jüngsten...

Serbian Chetniks from Ukraine threaten to attack Sandzak

Serbia, Novi Pazar- Chetnik movement commander Bratislav Živković who spent two months in Novorusija commanding Slavjanic detachment "John Sevic", currently resides in Moscow preparing...

Sandzak youth collect aid for Syrian refugees

In organization of the Islamic Community in Serbia, and in implementation of the IC Majlis of Novi Sad and its head Imam Fadil ef....

إستمع لما تركه المفتي الراحل في الوصية (فيديو)

سألني بعض الدبلوماسيين عن النضال حول سنجق، فقال "فماذا إذا لم تنجح؟" إذا لم أنجح، سأترك الوصية لابني ليواصل. لذلك إذا لم ينجح هو...

Mufti at Strpce academy – Bosniaks are winners, the disease of hatred hasn't infected...

Sandžak – In a packed hall of the House of Culture in Prijepolje, starting at 2 p.m., the commemorative Academy "Štrpci bez mezara" (Strpci...

Academician Zukorlic in Srebrenica – Denial of genocide is not good for Serbia or...

The President of the Justice and Reconciliation Party, Academician Muamer Zukorlic, said whilst in Potocari that by coming to mark the genocide in Srebrenica,...
