Serbian Patriarch invites country of Serbia to show it's strength against Novi Pazar

Serbia, Novi Pazar - The head of the Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej stated this evening that "much silence is kept" about the events...

SIGNED – Highway through Sandzak to go through Peshtera

A historic day in Sjenica, marked by the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, as well as the Presidents of the Municipalities of Sjenica, Novi...

Wer würde nicht gerne mit ihnen sein: Die Sandschak Pilger auf dem Berg Arafat...

Sandschak - Nach einem Aufenthalt auf dem Berg Arafat den 9. zu- l - Hijjah / 23 September, wo sie die Zeit von Sonnenaufgang...

Academician Zukorlic – Situation with Coronavirus shows that Novi Pazar needs clinical center

Justice and Reconciliation Party President Academician Muamer Zukorlic was a guest on Happy After TV on Happy Television about the state of emergency and...

Mufti Zukorlic: All Islamic communities in the region will be offered to be part...

Sandzak - Sandzak Mufti Muamer Zukorlic announced that the new constitution of the Islamic Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina will offer all the Islamic...

Trauergebet für politisches Attentat in Sandschak

Auf dem Platz in Sjenica fand das Trauergebet für Edin Hamidović statt, einen Bürgeraktivisten, Humanisten und Journalisten, der vor den Augen seiner Familie brutal...

NGOs fordern, dass serbische Institutionen das Verbrechen und die Opfer in Sjeverin anerkennen

Am 22. Oktober, dem Jahrestag der Entführung in Sjeverin, gaben vier Nichtregierungsorganisationen in Serbien bekannt, dass sie verlangen, dass serbische Institutionen die Opfer dieses...

Kirby: It is unrealistic to expect investors in Sjenica

Sjenica - US Ambassador Michael Kirby stated today in Sjenici that the agricultural development of the region is limited by poor road infrastructure and...

NEČASNO – Opština Tutin nije očistila put do mezara rahmetli Muftije

Višedecenijska praksa selektivnog čišćenja puteva u opštini Tutin nastavljena i ove zime. Nadležni za čišćenje puteva opštine Tutin nisu pokazali razumijevanja i nisu očistili...

Austria: Prohibition of funding Imams and mosques from abroad

Austria - The law clearly emphasizes that the laws of the State take precedence over religious rules. The Austrian government has adopted a draft...

Zukorlic – Serbian media silent on assassination of journalist in front of his family

The president of the Justice and Reconciliation Party, academician Muamer Zukorlic, spoke on Vesti television about the murder of journalist Edin Hamidovic. Zukorlic said...

Ein neuer Schritt bei der Umsetzung des Abkommens zwischen SPP und SNS – die...

Der Bauminister Tomislav Momirović erklärte, dass die Eisenbahnstrecke Raschka - Novi Pazar in der nächsten Zeit gebaut werde und dass das Projekt ernsthaft in...

زوكورليتش مع الشتات – لم يكن حزبنا أقوى وأكثر استقرارًا من قبل

عُقد "لقاء شتات" في مقر حزب العدالة والمصالحة في نوفي بازار. اجتمع البوشناق من سنجق الذين أقاموا في جميع دول أوروبا الغربية، مؤكدين دعمهم...

Mufti Zukorlic: Enemies of Bosnia and Serb-Bosniak dialogue stand behind attack in Zvornik

Sandzak - The attack on the police station in Zvornik is reprehensible and is a blow to people's lives, government institutions and international relations.  "Killing...

Novi Pazar – 20 deaths from Covid-19 in just half a month

In the last 24 hours, three patients died from symptoms caused by the corona virus in the General Hospital in Novi Pazar, and since...

Mufti Zukorlic – Splitting of Islamic Community and non-recognition of electoral will in Sandzak...

Sandžak - Sandzak Mufti Muamer ef. Zukorlic stated on Friday how dangerous it is to maintain the existing situation and continue letting the Islamic...

Ministar Ljajic gründet BNV in der Diaspora

Deutschland – Am Samstag den 21/02/2015 in Mainz fand ein Treffen statt, wo das so genannte "Bosniakische Nationalrat Diaspora - BNVD " festgestellt wurde.  Nach...

التحذير المخيف من بلييفليا: لا سبيل إلى وظائف للمسلمين، أصحاب أفكار الفاشية والكراهية مفضلون

زعم رئيس المنظمة غير الحكومية "حسين باشا - بلييفليا"، دنييال جلجيتش، في بيان أرسله إلى الموقع صحفية أنتينا إم، أن التوظيف الحزبي قد تغلب...

Interview mit Mufti Zukorlic – Feuer wird nicht mit Feuer erlöscht

Sandschak , Serbien – es ist notwendig,  jeden Akt des Terrorismus zu verurteilen, einschließlich der in Paris stattfand. Unschuldige Menschen zu töten ist unmenschlich...

Novi Pazar'da Camii Sayısı Nedir?

Rasim Ljajić'in yönetimindeki SDP'nin (Sosyal Demokratik Lartisi) tertip ettiği Merkezi günlük ile şehri ziyaret eden Senad Hadžifejzović, organizatörlerden Novi Pazar'daki camii sayısını günler boyunca...
