Historic agreement between northern and southern Sandzak


In Novi Pazar, history was written in the form of an agreement between northern and southern Sandzak. The idea of ​​founding the Institute of Culture, Demography and History of Sandzak, in which academician Serbo Rastoder participated as well as the late Mufti Muamer ef. Zukorlic, has become a reality.

For the first time ever, for the sake of Sandzak interests, the Islamic Community in Serbia and the Islamic Community in Montenegro sponsored a joint event such as the founding of the Institute for Culture, Demography and History of Sandzak, founded by the Bosniak Academy of Sciences and Arts (BANU) and Matica Bosnjacka .

This day will remain inscribed as historical in many ways. Apart from the fact that Islamic communities sat at the same table, political parties did the same. President of the Justice and Reconciliation Party Usame Zukorlic (SPP), President of the Bosniak Party (BS) Ervin Ibrahimovic, URA MP Suada Zoronjić, SPP President in Montenegro Hazbija Kalac and MP of the Parliament of Northern Makenija Zecir Ramcilovic spoke on future cooperation on national issues continued after the Founding Session.

The founding gathering was attended by numerous representatives of Sandzak municipalities, leaders of Islamic communities, and some of the most influential Bosniak politicians in Sandzak, including members of state assemblies in Montenegro and Serbia.

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