سنجق: مظاهرات دعم فلسطين في مدينة روجايي

مئات من الأشخاص قام بمظاهرات دعم شعب فلسطين في مدينة روجايي في إقليم سنجق (الجزء في الجبل الأسود).  عبر المظاهرون في الساحة الرئيسية عن عدم...

Open letter Sandžak magazine due to life and freedom threats of the editor-in-chief an...

Dear, We are addressing you with this open letter in order to draw public attention to the problem the independent investigative journalism in  Sandžak...

Mufti Zukorlić – Situation in Sandzak better, but region still ruled by criminals

Sandzak, Serbia - The situation in Sandzak, ever since Aleksandar Vucic became Prime Minister, has been a lot more relaxed seeing as how SWAT...

Zukorlić: Es hängt davon ab, wie die Menschen die Flagge des Mufti tragen, ob...

Der Sohn von Mufti Zukorlić, Usama Zukorlić, sagte, es würde davon abhängen, wie unsere Leute die Flagge des Mufti tragen, ob sie schwindelerregend vorankommen...

Serbian Army projectile almost hits village on Pester

On Sunday, the military exercise "Lightning Strike" will be held on the Pester plateau. The past few days, the last preparations for the exercise have...

الأكادمي زوكورليتش – وسائل الإعلام في صربيا صامتون حيال اغتيال صحفي أمام أولاده

تحدث رئيس حزب العدالة والمصالحة الأكاديمي معمر زوكورليتش قناة "فيستي" عن مقتل الصحفي أدين حامدوفيتش. قال زوكورليتش إن هذا كان الاغتيال السياسي نفذها أشخاص...

Novi Pazar through the eyes of a foreigner

Blogger and travel enthusiast Rob Lloyd documented his day spent strolling the streets of quaint Novi Pazar. But do not be fooled by it's...

Zukorlić – Wir unterstützen die Bemühungen der Islamischen Gemeinschaft, das im Jahr 2007 weggerissene...

Anlässlich des 25-jährigen Gründungsjubiläums und der kontinuierlichen Arbeit der Zeitung "Stimme des Islam" fand in der Bibliothek der Fakultät für Islamwissenschaft ein Fest und...

Sandzak Mufti – “Green shirts are a bigger problem than 2,000 Bosniaks killed in...

Northern Sandzak - Mufti Zukorlic stressed that the whole event passed without any incidents, but it’s being abused and manipulated. We recall that supporters of...

Kalac before tens of thousands in Podgorica – We have united in battle against...

Montenegro - Citizens from all parts of Montenegro arrived in the capital, Podgorica, where at 7 p.m. a protest against the regime of Milo...

Zukorlic supports flooded citizens of Novi Pazar

President of the Justice and Reconciliation Party, Usame Zukorlic, visited the flooded settlements in Novi Pazar, where he spoke with the locals. He visited...

A Day in Novi Pazar, Serbia

Greetings,Yesterday I had the pleasure of spending a day in Novi Pazar and it was solid times. We had arrived in this city which is...

Sonja Biserko: Film “Dara” made to diminish story of Srebrenica

In an interview with Radiosarajevo.ba, the founder and president of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, Sonja Biserko, commented on the efforts...

Sancak'ın Peşter Bölgesinden Geçecek Otoyolunun Projesi İçin İmzalar Atıldı

Sırbistan Cümhüriyeti'nin Cümhürbaşkanı Aleksandar Vuçiç ile Syenitsa, Novi Pazar ve Tutin belediye başkanlarının katılımıyla, Peşter üzerinden geçecek otoyolunun inşaatını üstlenen CRBC isimli Çinli şirketinin...

A dream dreamt by Sandzak Bosniaks with their Turkish brothers

Author: Jasmin Aličković After a successful landing at the renovated Sandzak airport in Sjenica with a joint investment by the state of Serbia and the...

Prijepolje – Der Gruß salaam alaykum brachte ihn vor Gericht!

Prijepolje – Der Gruß Salaam alaikum zu einem Ploiziesten in Prijepolje, hat den Anwalt Sabahudin Hajdarević vor Gericht gebracht. Der Prozess begann um acht...

Letzte Nacht wurde in den Hauptnachrichten des russischen nationalen Fernsehens, die Erklärung von Mufti...

Russland - Der erste Kanal des russischen Staatsfernsehen hat eine Erklärung des Mufti Zukorlic  augestrahlt, über den Islam in dem berichten zu den jüngsten...

International University of Novi Pazar among the founders of the Balkan University Association

The International University of Novi Pazar is one of 32 universities from the Balkan region that are founders of the Balkan University Association. The...

Ein neuer Schritt bei der Umsetzung des Abkommens zwischen SPP und SNS – die...

Der Bauminister Tomislav Momirović erklärte, dass die Eisenbahnstrecke Raschka - Novi Pazar in der nächsten Zeit gebaut werde und dass das Projekt ernsthaft in...

الجبل الأسود: رسائل خطيرة من مدينة بليفليا ضد البوشناق

في مدينة بليفليا (شمال الجبل الأسود - سنجق) قام المجتمعون بالمظاهرات ضد انتخاب حارس ديورزيفيتش (بوشناقي) رئيسًا لمركز الأمن العام في تلك المدينة. فأجابت عليهم...
