A dream dreamt by Sandzak Bosniaks with their Turkish brothers


Author: Jasmin Aličković

After a successful landing at the renovated Sandzak airport in Sjenica with a joint investment by the state of Serbia and the Republic of Turkey, the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Turkish government, Mr. Mevlut Cavusoglu, was welcomed at the airport by united Bosniak representatives of all Bosniak parties.

After a pleasant welcoming ceremony by the Turkish Minister at the airport, Bosniak leaders together with Minister Cavusoglu headed to Novi Pazar, via the newly opened E71 highway connecting Sandzak with Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo and further via Bulgaria to Turkey, built with joint funds from state treasuries of the Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Serbia.

After only 15 minutes of driving on the route Sjenica – Novi Pazar, they arrive in Novi Pazar for lunch in the renovated old Hamam, which is located in the Old Bazaar complex, which was restored by the Turkish humanitarian organization TIKA. After the meeting in the building of the provincial government of the autonomous province of Sandzak, a series of meetings were held between the representatives of the Sandzak, Serbian and Turkish authorities.

After lunch, more precisely at 16:30, a ceremony was scheduled for the opening of the now 10th factory, this time of the Turkish company Erneli, which is engaged in the production of fluid circulation systems for the automotive industry. In it, 1,200 workers found work with an average salary of 1,700 euros.

After the opening of such a large factory, the Minister and his political brothers from Sandzak approached the official opening of the Turkish Consulate in Novi Pazar with the greatest honors. With the recitation of the Qur’an by the imam of the newly built monumental mosque Musala next to the consulate, as is the custom in Sandzak, the event commenced, after which the Serbian, Turkish and Sandzak anthems were sung.

After the ceremony, they arrived together at the harem of the Ejup-beg mosque, which was restored by the Turkish government 4 years ago, where Turkish and Sanjak leaders will perform the Aksham prayer, led by the president of the Meshihat of the only legal and legitimate Islamic Community in Serbia, the Islamic Riyaset branch.

After the evening prayer, Minister Cavusoglu gives an interview on Sandzak TV where he exclusively announces that the export of meat from Sandžak to Turkey, from 5,000 tons, as promised by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in 2017, will be increased to 50,000 tons per year.

After the interview, Mr. Cavusoglu and his entourage were escorted to the airport in Sjenica, where he flew back to Ankara that evening.

September 1, a proud day for all Bosniaks of Sandzak, which never dawned.

We dream and will dream for a long, long time.

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