Sonja Biserko: Film “Dara” made to diminish story of Srebrenica

In an interview with, the founder and president of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, Sonja Biserko, commented on the efforts...

Suad Dacic evacuated from Yemen!

Yemen - A student from Sjenica, Suad Dacic, was evacuated from war-affected Yemen, when he landed in Djibouti and he contacted his family to...

آبازوفيتش: مذبحة سربرنيتسا هي إبادة جماعية، من لا يفهم ذلك لا مكان له في...

أكد نائب رئيس وزراء الجبل الأسود دريتان آبازوفيتش أن مذبحة سربرنيتسا تسمى الإبادة الجماعية بالحكم الدولي وأن من لا يفهم ذلك "لا مكان له...

Zukorliç: İslami Cemiyeti'nin Alıkonulan Camileri Sisteme Tekrar Bağlama Çabalarını Destekliyoruz

İslami İlimler Fakültesinin kütüphanesinde, "Glas Islama" (İslam'ın Sesi) isimli gazetesinin kuruluşunun 25. yıldönümü dolayısıyla, "Dini Medyalar ve Dinlerarası Diyalog" isimli konferans düzenlendi. Konferansın açılış kısmında...

A Day in Novi Pazar, Serbia

Greetings,Yesterday I had the pleasure of spending a day in Novi Pazar and it was solid times. We had arrived in this city which is...

Sancak Tarihinde Görülmemiş Cenaze Merasimi. Binlerce Kişi Müftü Akademisyen Muamer Zukorliç'i Son Yolculuğuna Uğurladı

Novi Pazar'ın Gazi İsa-beg meydanında, Millet Meclisi'nin başkan yardımcısına, milletvekiline, Adalet ve Mutabakat Partisi'nin liderine, Müftü akademisyen Muamer Zukorliç'e cenaze namazı kılındı. Kendisini son yolculuğuna...

Mufti Zukorlic on issues of Muslims in the Balkans and the world

Sandzak - Sandzak Mufti Muamer ef. Zukorlic appeared on the N1 television morning show "A New Day" on August 26, 2015. Commenting on a...

Ramadan in Deutschland

0 Für Muslime in aller Welt ist es die wichtigste Zeit des jahres, der fasten Monat Ramadan. Ab der Morgendämmerung dürfen die Muslime weder essen...

Tutin – Bittgebet anlässlich des Beginns der Arbeiten an der Erweiterung der zentralen Moschee

Tutin - Die zentrale Moschee in Tutin ist zu klein, um alle regelmäßige Gäste zu empfangen aus diesem Grund hat die Gemeinde durch den...

Serbian Chetniks from Ukraine threaten to attack Sandzak

Serbia, Novi Pazar- Chetnik movement commander Bratislav Živković who spent two months in Novorusija commanding Slavjanic detachment "John Sevic", currently resides in Moscow preparing...

Zukorlić im Parlament – Was will Dodik auf Peschter – Bringen Sie ihn...

Der Präsident der Partei der Gerechtigkeit und Versöhnung, Akademiker Muamer Zurkolic, fragte heute im serbischen Parlament, warum das serbische Mitglied der Präsidentschaft von Bosnien...

RTS'ye Konuşan Zukorliç: Köklü Değişimlerle Sancak'ın Refah Seviyesini Yükseltmeyi Hedefliyoruz

RTS televizyonun sabah programında yapılan partiler arası diyaloğunda Adalet ve Mutabakat Partisi'nin lideri Usame Zukorliç, seçim programını açıkladı. "Müftü'nün emaneti - Adalet ve Mutabakat Partisi"...

عائلة زوكورليتش – لدينا الشكوك المبررة بأن المفتي زوكورليتش قتل بالتسمم!

في المؤتمر الاستثنائي ، خاطب رئيس حزب العدالة والمصالحة ، السيد أسامة زوكورليتش (ابن المفتي الرحيل) الجمهور مع أفراد الأسرة. في تلك المناسبة ،...

Zukorlic: Novi Pazar only city in Serbia with over 100,000 inhabitants that is not...

President of the Justice and Reconciliation Party, Usame Zukorlic, in his presentation in the National Assembly of Serbia, used the opportunity to request clarification...

Academician Muhamed Filipovic new BASA president

Bosnia and Hercegovina - At the annual assembly of the Bosniak Academy of Science and Art (BASA), the resignation of former Academy president, academician...

17 illegal betting shops and casinos in Novi Pazar close

In a joint action of the police, the Security-Information Agency (BIA), the prosecutor's office and the Gambling Administration, 17 betting shops and casinos on...

Delegation of Islamic Community in Serbia on an official visit to Qatar

Northern Sandzak - The Delegation of the Islamic Community in Serbia comprised of president Mufti Mevlud effendi Dudic, Sandzak Mufti Muamer effendi Zukorlic and...

Consul Basol in Kraljevo – We will establish the Istanbul-Ladjevci flight

After the end of the corona virus pandemic, the Ladjevci-Istanbul airline should be established from Ladjevci Airport near Kraljevo, said the Consul General of...

Treffen der Sandschaken

Mit der Veranstaltung "Tage der Bosniaken" möchte man die Austro-Bosniaken besser untereinander vernetzen. Wien. Das bosniakische Kulturzentrum und Gebetsraum El-Ihsan (das bedeutet die Wohltätigkeit auf...

Gibt es irgendeine Gerechtigkeit in Serbien? Serbische Soldaten rufen öffentlich, zur Vergewaltigung und Massaker...

Darko Tomic (25) aus Sabac, serbische Armee Soldaten ruft öffentlich auf seinem Facebook –Profil zur Vergewaltigung und Ermordung von Bosniaken. Wir überbringen nur eine kurzfassung...
