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Imamovic: “Sandzak to obtain a high degree of autonomy – similar to South Tyrol”

Northern Sandzak - Vice president and deputy of SDA Sandzak Enis Imamovic believes that Sandzak should have a high degree of autonomy as does...

From Serbia alone, 192 people heading off to Hajj

Novi Pazar – In Novi Pazar’s towns square "Gazi Isa-beg", a farewell ceremony and ikrar (decision) prayer took place today. On the road to the...

Chetnik threats escalade as their arrival nears

Serbia - After four months of war in Ukraine on the side of pro-Russian forces, the commander of the Chetnik terrorist movement, Bratislav Zivkovic,...

Ne može se ponižavati nacionalni identitet kanadskih Bošnjaka

Britanski vojnici koji svoju obuku vrše u Kanadi uskoro će svoje vojničko umijeće pokazivati gađajući mete koje se zovu “Bosanac RPG”. Dokument kanadske vlade...

Jako tužna slika iseljavanja iz Sandžaka

Sandžak se masovno iseljava u dijasporu. 55% građana ne radi. Prosječna plata 200 eura. Nema investicija, nema autoputa, nema pruge, nema aerodruma. Šoder i...

ALEXA istraživanje – Sandžak PRESS i ove godine ubjedljivo najčitaniji sandžački medij

Sandžak PRESS se zahvaljuje Sandžaklijama, Bošnjacima i svim ljudima dobre volje u cijelom svijetu na povjerenju i podršci :)

Bosnian diaspora enraged over staged political trials and verdicts of Montenegro's high court against...

Dec. 7, 2014. Government of the Republic of Montenegro, parliamentarians, the Minister of Justice and the Supreme State Prosecutor, governments and embassies of democratic countries...

Routes running through Sandzak are nightmares for residents

A usual route running through the Sandzak region consists of potholes, stomach-wrenching curves, bumps and gaping meteor sized patches tearing through the asphalt. These...

Bošnjaci Amerike i Kanade proglašavaju 9. januar- Danom sjećanja na početak genocida u Bosni...

Amerika, Kanada, BIH - Polazeći od jedinstveno iskazane volje sjevernoameričkih Bošnjaka, žrtava i svijedoka agresije na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu i genocida nad njenim...

International University and its staff among the best in Serbia

Serbia - NGO iSerbia together with a team of sociologists, which was managed by Mr. Ana Ranitović and spec. Milos Jovanovic conducted research on...

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Poziv na Akciju: Popis Stanovništva BiH 2013 godine

Amerika, Kanada - Da bi iz sjeverne Amerike učestvovali u Popisu stanovništva 2013 godine, veoma je bitno da državljani BiH se upoznaju s oslovnim...

Zukorlic: Fejzic fears for his job so he doesn't know what he's saying

Sandzak – The Reis of the Islamic community in Montenegro Rifat effendi Fejzic is insecure and afraid for his position because otherwise I can...

IGK: Ivanoviću napali ste na svijetli obraz Bošnjakinje i uvrijedili i ponizili sve žene

Kanada - Institut za istraživanje genocida, Kanada {IGK} najoštrije osuđuje Prvu TV i voditelja Ivana Ivanovića zbog anticivilizacijskog, nehumanog, neprijateljskog i sramnog vrijeđanja žena,...

Sandzak Mufti – “Green shirts are a bigger problem than 2,000 Bosniaks killed in...

Northern Sandzak - Mufti Zukorlic stressed that the whole event passed without any incidents, but it’s being abused and manipulated. We recall that supporters of...

Pressure on Muslims in Montenegro from regime

Rozaje – Today the Basic Court of Rozaje, held a precedent. For the first time after communism, the congregation in the dock, are charged...

Druga skupština Svjetskog bošnjačkog kongresa 29. decembra u Sarajevu

BiH - Predsjedništvo Svjetskog bošnjačkog kongresa, na redovnoj sjednici održanoj 10.07.2013. godine u Sarajevu, nakon analize dosadašnjeg rada usvojilo je Odluku o održavanju drugog...

Dzudzo – I approved textbooks with drawings of the Prophet Muhammed, pbuh

Northern Sandzak - Esad Dzudzo signed approval for printing the controversial textbook with illustrations of the Prophet Muhammed, and, admitted he hadn’t examined it...
