Zukorlic meets with President of Grand National Assembly of the Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Sentop


President of the Justice and Reconciliation Party and Vice President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Usame Zukorlic, met with the President of the Grand National Assembly of the Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Šentop, who is on an official visit to Belgrade as part of the session of the 60th General Assembly of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PS CES).

In today's protocol, upon his arrival in Belgrade, President Sentop was first greeted by Zukorlic. At the meeting, they talked about the situation in Serbia and Turkey. Zukorlic informed the delegation about the participation of Bosniaks Sandžak in the Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, as well as in the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

The interlocutors stated that bilateral relations between the two countries are at the highest level in modern history, which was achieved thanks to mutual respect and trust at all levels.

At the meeting in the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, arranged by the President of the Assembly, Mr. Vladimir Orlić, Zukorlić spoke in his capacity as the Vice President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, where he emphasized and indicated the need for a large Turkish investor to come to Sandžak, as well as airport project in Sandzak.

The meeting was also attended by Vice President Sandra Božić, as well as Muamer Bačevac, President of the PGP with the Republic of Turkey, who expressed their determination and willingness to strengthen contacts between the two parliaments.


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