Sandzak Bosniak Armin Sinancevic wins gold in Istanbul shot put


The Serbian national athletics team won four medals today at the Balkan Indoor Championships in Istanbul – two gold, one silver, and one bronze.

The best Serbian athlete Ivana Spanovic went home with gold in the long jump with a jump of six meters and 75 centimeters, which is the third best result on the world rankings this season.

Armin Sinancevic also became champion of the Balkans in shot put, throwing the ball 20.63 meters, the Serbian Athletics Federation reported.

Nikola Bursac took second place in the 1,500-meter race with a result of 3: 46.91, while Pancevo's Milana Tirnanic won bronze in the 60-meter race with a result of 7.41 seconds.

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