Zukorlic at final rally in Novi Pazar: While there is Mufti's blood in the heart we will not deviate from his path


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The final rally of the list “Mufti's bequest – Justice and Reconciliation Party – Usame Zukorlic” was held on Gazi Isa-beg Square in Novi Pazar. Thousands of people testified that Sandzak wants change in the political sky and that the time has come for the Mufti's bequest.

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The holder of the list “Mufti's bequest – Justice and Reconciliation Party”, Usame Zukorlić, addressed the audience. He sent the message that the youngest city in Europe deserves the youngest leadership.

May be an image of ‎3 people, people standing and ‎text that says '‎USANDŽAKU izgradnja savremene ŽELJEZNIČK love Sandžaka koja ići trasom n-Sjenica-Nova Varoš-Prijepolje lačit efikasan protok ljudi tiniji način prijevoz sirovina lika šansa za sandžačku SPP Stranka S Justice Pravde Pomirenja nd Reconciliation Party ת×‎'‎‎

“Tutin ignited the political atmosphere in Sandzak last night, so today I want to send some messages from here to Novi Pazar, Sandzak and the Republic of Serbia.” Let's start with the beloved sugar of Novi Pazar. My Pazar, what would your city look like if it weren't for this policy? The City of Youth deserves to have as the youngest city in Europe to have the youngest leadership in Europe. Its name is Pazar, a shopping center that does not have its own shopping center. We want Novi Pazar to have its own shopping center. We want to renovate the Old Bazaar of Novi Pazar. Twenty-three million euros is the budget of Novi Pazar, and you know how to build and work when there are local elections, and how to work and build when there are no such elections. I ask them there who are watching and following us – what is happening with 23 million euros in a year that is not an election year. The only investment that did not come to Novi Pazar for 32 years. Why? Because they use their political connections for themselves, and not for their people “, said Usame Zukorlić.

May be an image of 3 people, people standing and outdoors

The Justice and Reconciliation Party is a factor of stability, Zukorlic said.

“As the late Mufti represented you in the Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, so we will represent you. Honestly and with dignity. Never halflings, only partners. And those who mention us on that occasion these days – we have not forgotten when you had a Ministry without a portfolio. Ah what poltrons you were then. You know, the Justice and Reconciliation Party is a factor of stability in our area “, underlines Usame Zukorlić.

May be an image of one or more people, people standing, outdoors and crowd

While there is Mufti's blood in this here heart, Zukorlić concludes, we will not deviate from his path.

May be an image of one or more people and people standing

“The late Mufti would be proud of you now. We showed after Tutin that Novi Pazar is also on the road traced by the late Mufti. Brothers and sisters – I swear here before you: “While the Mufti's blood is here in this heart, we will not deviate from his path!”, Zukorlić concludes.

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