Ugljanin – We don't need a vaccine, bones produce antibodies


Odgovor gost Sulejman Ugljanin - YouTube

For months, leader of the Sandzak Democratic Action Party, Sulejman Ugljanin, has been promoting the non-wearing of masks, emphasizing that SDA Sandzak is for the natural acquisition of immunity. He recently persuaded the outgoing Turkish ambassador to Serbia, Tanju Bilgic, on his views.

“The first dilemma may be whether citizens will exercise their human, fundamental right to be immunized naturally, to have their bones produce antibodies to protect themselves from the virus. This is their basic, innate right. Every human being has a laboratory in their body. Or secondly, to be artificially immunized. Those who want to be immunized naturally should travel, take part in recreation, laugh, visit, live a free life, in order to strengthen their immunity. Take deep breathes, without a mask, of course.”

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