SPP and SDA agree – A single Islamic community with headquarters in Novi Pazar and spiritual center in Sarajevo


The Justice and Reconciliation Party (SPP) and the Sandžak Party of Democratic Action (SDA) signed an agreement on the formation of a majority in the new convocation of the Bosniak National Council (BNV). In the agreement, the two parties undertook to work together on the implementation of a 28-point program aimed at realizing and improving the rights of Bosniaks in Serbia.

The leader of the Justice and Reconciliation Party, whose list won 12 parliamentary mandates for BNV in the last elections, Usame Zukorlic said that the holder of the list, dr. Misala Pramenkovic is set to be the new president of the national council of Bosniaks.

Zukorlic pointed out that one of the key points of concern is the return of unity to the Islamic community with its headquarters in Novi Pazar and its spiritual center in Sarajevo.

– I hope, God willing, that today we have laid the foundation stone for great things for the future of our people. It was very important for us in the Justice and Reconciliation Party to agree on the issue of the Islamic community, and thank God we agreed, and you heard that from now on we have a unique common position that the Bosniak National Council wants an Islamic community with all the rights that the Serbian Orthodox Church, we want an Islamic community with its headquarters in Novi Pazar, a spiritual center in Sarajevo, and that we certainly have support in the work of the Islamic community from the Bosniak National Council and from the most important communities in the surrounding area, above all the Rijaset Islamic community in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Dijanet in Turkey.




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