Residents of Novi Pazar inhaled excessively polluted air last year, according to the latest Annual Report on Air Quality of the Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA).
The report shows that the air in Novi Pazar was assessed as excessively polluted due to exceeding the limit values of PM10 and PM2.5 particles.
“PM2.5” particles, which are present in the air in Novi Pazar, are quite dangerous, because they can lead to cancerous diseases, stated CINS.
They point out that it can happen that the presence of PM particles in the air does not exceed the allowed value, but that they are still dangerous to health, because the content of heavy metals arsenic, cadmium and lead in them exceeds the allowed values.
The report also states that most of the suspended particles are emitted by heating plants and individual furnaces – as much as 67 percent of PM2.5 and 51 percent of PM10 particles, followed by agriculture with livestock, industry, road traffic and electricity production.