FAMILY ZUKORLIC – We have well-founded suspicion that Mufti Zukorlic was poisoned!


At the emergency press conference, the president of the SPP, Usame Zukorlic, addressed the public with his family members. On this occasion, he said that the Zukorlic family has a well-founded suspicion that the late Mufti Zukorlic was poisoned.

“Dear public,
5 months and 4 days have passed since the death of the late academician Mufti Muamer Zukorlić. I heard of this news whilst in Istanbul, where I attended a Turkish language school. I arrived from Turkey just before the funeral. At no time did I nor my closest ones come to terms with the fact that our great man died without the competent institutions officially determining the cause of death. In the chaos that befell us that day, few people remained sober. Those who did that day, before the burial, took a sample from the late Mufti. It took us, the family, a long time to find adequate laboratories abroad where we did the necessary tests.

We obtained the following results from two independent laboratories:

The first laboratory determined that there was a high probability that the tested person was poisoned with heavy metals.

Another laboratory concluded that, based on the sample they received, the person was poisoned with food.

The research conducted by the family is the basis for the suspicion that the late academician Mufti Muamer Zukorlic did not die from natural causes.

That is why we will launch an investigation at the highest level before the competent judicial bodies of the Republic of Serbia in order to definitively determine the cause of death of our father and leader, who was the Vice President of the Assembly of the Republic of Serbia at the time of death.

I would like to ask the present media to have an understanding in this moment and regarding the investigation process, and that we will inform the public about important information in a timely manner, without jeopardizing the investigation procedure, “said Usame Zukorlic.


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