Welcome to the School of the Holy Qur'an in Sandzak

Novi Pazar - Guided by the first verses of the Qur'anic publication, and the hadith (teaching) of the Prophet Mohammed p.b.u.h.,, "The best among...

Dr. Ceric: Bosnia to offer shelter to all refugees from east

Sarajevo - For the occasion of the immigrant crisis in the Balkans and Europe, Reis-ul-Ulema emeritus. Mustafa Ceric, President of the World Bosniak Congress...

Center for Humanitarian Work “Hajrat”: Glimmer of hope for poverty-stricken families

The Center for Humanitarian Work "Hajrat" is a branch of the Islamic Community in Serbia that as thus far helped thousands of homeless, ill...

Bosnian diaspora enraged over staged political trials and verdicts of Montenegro's high court against...

Dec. 7, 2014. Government of the Republic of Montenegro, parliamentarians, the Minister of Justice and the Supreme State Prosecutor, governments and embassies of democratic countries...

Balkan Bosnian and Muslim leaders in Mecca

World - The four-day conference organized by the Muslim World League - Rabita, under the auspices of the King of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin...

EXCLUSIVE – Balasevic apologizes to Muslims for cursing God

Novi Pazar - Djordje Balasevic, a performing artist from Serbia, before performing in Novi Pazar apologized during the press conference as well as at...

Popular International University of Novi Pazar

Novi Pazar – On the RANK WEB OF UNIVERSITIES list, the International University of Novi Pazar holds the 11th place in Serbia. When the faculties...

Suad Dacic evacuated from Yemen!

Yemen - A student from Sjenica, Suad Dacic, was evacuated from war-affected Yemen, when he landed in Djibouti and he contacted his family to...

Quiet protest for Prophet Muhammed held in Novi Pazar

Novi Pazar - Weekly magazine Charlie Hedbo shook the world with its publication of caricatures of Prophet Muhammed, p.b.u.h. Worldwide protests were organized, and...

Ljajic: Mladic told me he is not to blame for Srebrenica, resolution doesn't bring...

Serbia - Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Rasim Ljajic said that it would be a crime to deny what happened in Srebrenica, but it also...

Sandzak's Islamic Community problems possibly resolved?

Novi Pazar – Rasim Ljajic’s Regional television frantically announced that yesterday negotiations between Sulejman Ugljanin and Mufti Muamer effendi Zukorlic had started. They also claimed...

Mufti Zukorlic – Splitting of Islamic Community and non-recognition of electoral will in Sandzak...

Sandžak - Sandzak Mufti Muamer ef. Zukorlic stated on Friday how dangerous it is to maintain the existing situation and continue letting the Islamic...

Australia, Sweden, Germany, France … Who's next?

The situation in the Australian city of Sydney was alarming, where an armed kidnapper held 17 hostages captive for 16 hours at the coffee...

Kirby: It is unrealistic to expect investors in Sjenica

Sjenica - US Ambassador Michael Kirby stated today in Sjenici that the agricultural development of the region is limited by poor road infrastructure and...

Babies dying in Novi Pazar due to negligence from gynecology department?

Novi Pazar - Despite criticism, the hospital is still operating. Residents of Novi Pazar have no other place for treatment, especially those in poor...

Dzudzo – I approved textbooks with drawings of the Prophet Muhammed, pbuh

Northern Sandzak - Esad Dzudzo signed approval for printing the controversial textbook with illustrations of the Prophet Muhammed, and, admitted he hadn’t examined it...

Exclusive – Zilkic making millions through registered businesses at home and abroad!

Sandzak - As Sandzak PRESS has been exclusively informed by a businessman from Switzerland who wanted to remain anonymous, Zilkić has registered a company...

Record number of student enrollment at International University – 46% more than last year

Novi Pazar - The International University of Novi Pazar, held its second round of admission testing during the past few days. From year to...

Massive emigration of Sandzak Bosniaks – The search for a better life

Sandzak – “Seeking one’s fortune” a proverb said centuries ago by our ancestors for those who abandon their families, their homeland, seeking nafaka (fortune)...

Who invests most in Novi Pazar? Arabs, Europeans and Turks

Realized foreign investment - value (in euros)  United Arab Emirates 7 million The Government of Kuwait 1 million The government of Luxembourg 4.5 million Agency TIKA 2.75 million   Novi...
