School of Holy Qur'an participates in 22nd European Competition in Recitation of Qur'an

Croatia - During October 22-24 in the Croatian capital of Zagreb the 22nd European Competition in Recitation of Qur'an was held, in which over...

Mufti Zukorlić lectures at event ‘Days of Bosniak Culture’ in Rijeka

Croatia, Novi Pazar – As it has already become a tradition, this year proved no different, the Bosniak associations in Rijeka and the Coastal-Gorski...

Massive emigration of Sandzak Bosniaks – The search for a better life

Sandzak – “Seeking one’s fortune” a proverb said centuries ago by our ancestors for those who abandon their families, their homeland, seeking nafaka (fortune)...

An example for society: Teens clean town square of traces of “craziest night”

Novi Pazar - A dozen members of the Muslim Youth Club took to the streets of Novi Pazar after the "craziest night" to clean...

Routes running through Sandzak are nightmares for residents

A usual route running through the Sandzak region consists of potholes, stomach-wrenching curves, bumps and gaping meteor sized patches tearing through the asphalt. These...

Ljajic: Mladic told me he is not to blame for Srebrenica, resolution doesn't bring...

Serbia - Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Rasim Ljajic said that it would be a crime to deny what happened in Srebrenica, but it also...

Delegation of Islamic Community in Serbia on an official visit to Qatar

Northern Sandzak - The Delegation of the Islamic Community in Serbia comprised of president Mufti Mevlud effendi Dudic, Sandzak Mufti Muamer effendi Zukorlic and...

Why does Hague remain indifferent to the crimes in Sandzak?

The persecution of Croats in the village of Hrtkovci was prosecuted by the ICTY for war crimes, while the mass crimes against Bosniaks of...

Bosniak National Council leaves working group for drafting action plan on realization of minority...

Novi Pazar - Considering the fact that the process of EU accession is crucial for the future of the Bosniak people in the Republic...

Legendary statement by Sead Kolašinac

As reported by ZmajeviBiH, Kolašinac revealed one of the reasons why he chose to play for Bosnia and Herzegovina."This is my homeland. I had...

Sandzaklians comdemn genocide of Muslims in Burma

] Sandzak - the West Country of Myanmar (a country that until 1989 was called Burma) Buddhist, for months on end, have been carrying out...
