Interview with Mufti Zukorlic – fire can't be put out with fire

Sandzak, Serbia - It is necessary to condemn every act of terrorism, including the one that took place in Paris. Killing innocent people is...

Academician Muhamed Filipovic new BASA president

Bosnia and Hercegovina - At the annual assembly of the Bosniak Academy of Science and Art (BASA), the resignation of former Academy president, academician...

Sandzak most stable region in Balkans?

Novi Pazar - Sandzak, in the European Commission for 2015, was assessed as the most stable territory in relation to the region and to...

Mufti Zukorlic on issues of Muslims in the Balkans and the world

Sandzak - Sandzak Mufti Muamer ef. Zukorlic appeared on the N1 television morning show "A New Day" on August 26, 2015. Commenting on a...

Sandzak youth collect aid for Syrian refugees

In organization of the Islamic Community in Serbia, and in implementation of the IC Majlis of Novi Sad and its head Imam Fadil ef....

This is proud Muslimah – Snezana (Hurija) Nikolic

Novi Pazar – Forced to seek refuge and serenity due to a turbulent and difficult life, she found it in accepting Islam. Born in Smederevo...

Message from Montenegro: Islam promotes peace

Sandzak, Montenegro - Montenegrin media should make the difference between terrorists and religion known, announced speakers at the press conference organized by the Bosniak...

School of Holy Qur'an participates in 22nd European Competition in Recitation of Qur'an

Croatia - During October 22-24 in the Croatian capital of Zagreb the 22nd European Competition in Recitation of Qur'an was held, in which over...

PRETRES talkshow: How Islamophobia problem reflects on Sandzak

Sandžak - Every Monday at 8 p.m. on Sandzak Television viewers have a chance to watch the show "Pretres"(Shakedown). Last night's guests were Dr....

Austria: Prohibition of funding Imams and mosques from abroad

Austria - The law clearly emphasizes that the laws of the State take precedence over religious rules. The Austrian government has adopted a draft...

Routes running through Sandzak are nightmares for residents

A usual route running through the Sandzak region consists of potholes, stomach-wrenching curves, bumps and gaping meteor sized patches tearing through the asphalt. These...

“For Bosniaks, Sandzak and Mufti” is authentic and has had tremendous results

Sandzak - Sandzak Mufti Muamer Zukorlic expressed concern that due to the great disappointment of Bosniaks in Serbia turnout for the elections of the...

International University and its staff among the best in Serbia

Serbia - NGO iSerbia together with a team of sociologists, which was managed by Mr. Ana Ranitović and spec. Milos Jovanovic conducted research on...

Seselj in Sandzak ordained with White Angel of first order award!

Prijepolje - Today in monastery Mileševa in honor of the celebration of Saint Sava, Bishop of the Diocese of Mileseva Filaret, awarded Dr. Vojislav...

Who invests most in Novi Pazar? Arabs, Europeans and Turks

Realized foreign investment - value (in euros)  United Arab Emirates 7 million The Government of Kuwait 1 million The government of Luxembourg 4.5 million Agency TIKA 2.75 million   Novi...

Novi Pazar through the eyes of a foreigner

Blogger and travel enthusiast Rob Lloyd documented his day spent strolling the streets of quaint Novi Pazar. But do not be fooled by it's...

Sjenica among exceptional destinations Europe

Sjenica - Sjenica was declared one of the winners of the national competition for the selection of "exclusive destinations in Europe" in which participated...

SDA violated the agreement to a fair campaign – Great electoral fraud in Tutin

Sandzak – The party "For Bosniaks, Sandzak and Mufti" confirmed that in Sjenica, and especially in Tutin, electoral fraud took place, the majority of...

Is there no justice in Serbia !? Serbian soldier publicly calls for rape and...

Darko Tomic (25) from Sabac, a Serbian army soldier, publicly on his Facebook profile calls upon the rape and murder of Bosniaks.Due to the...

Average salary in Belgrade 600 euros, 5% unemployment – Novi Pazar, average salary 280...

Sandzak, Serbia - Of the 174 municipalities in Serbia, residents of 149 municipalities earn less than the state average. This means that 85.6% of...
