Serbia – On the show “Late Night with Ivan Ivanovic” that aired last night on ATV Banja Luka, the host stated that “since 1995 there is an increase in the number of Bosnian women giving birth more than there was 15 years ago, and they say the Blue Helmets were doing nothing useful over there,” alluding to the presence of UN forces during the aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina, according to BH. news agency Patria.
Ivanovic very consciously mentioned the Blue Helmets, whose members are previously said to have raped Bosniak women. One famous example is the notorious camp “Kod Sonje” in Vogosca, in which, according to claims of the raped Bosniak women the first man of the UN Peacekeeping Force for B&H general Lewis MacKenzie arrived, together with the RS Army, who had raped and killed Bosniak women.
With this statement Ivanovic offended more than 20,000 women who were brutally raped during the aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in this way connected with these atrocities and members of the UN.
In addition to these insults, he continued with outbursts towards Albanians who he once described as “Shiptar (demeaning name for Albanians) shit”.
In last night's show he also said that “the parents of the naked Albanian singer do not want to leave their house of shame, proving that it is an embarrassment to have an Albanian child.” As for Albanian soccer players he said that 20 kg of heroin was found on their bus.
“Well they aren’t going to live off of soccer”- said Ivanovic.
SANA Agency