Abazovic promises opening of Petnjica-Tutin border crossing


Almir Muratović, a member of the Justice and Reconciliation Party in the Municipal Assembly of Petnjica, submitted to Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazović, an official request for the opening of a border crossing that would connect Petnjica and Tutin.

Muratović said that Petnjica and Tutin are traditionally connected regions, but that the current road infrastructure separates them more than it connects them.

“The border crossing would reduce the distance between the two municipalities from the current 110 kilometers to 30 kilometers,” said Muratovic, adding that the border crossing would be important for the citizens of Petnjica, because it would bring better connectivity to the region, which would mean a great chance for economic development of the Bihor region.

Abazovic accepted the request and promised to open the border crossing as soon as possible.

“The meeting was an opportunity for Councilor Muratović and Vice President Abazović to discuss better regional connections, as a key factor in the economic development of Bihor and northern Montenegro. On this occasion, Muratović mentioned that the Government had the opportunity to correct the injustice done to that part of the country, being as it is the area from which most of the population migrated abroad. “Abazovic especially emphasized the position of Bosniaks and the attitude that the previous government had towards them before,” the Government's Public Relations Service announced.

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