Usame Zukorlic – I believe that Sandzak Day will become Sandzak Bosniak Unity Day


Organized by the Bosniak Matica, at the Faculty of Islamic Studies, on November 20, 2021. year, the promotion of Amanet – the jubilee Gazette of the Bosniak Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Chronicle – the scientific journal Matica bošnjačke.

At this promotional gathering on the occasion of Sandzak Day, for the first time without the late academician Mufti Muamer Zukorlic, the President of the Meshihat of the Islamic Community of Mufti Dr. spoke. Mevlud ef. Dudic, President of the Bosniak Academy of Sciences and Arts, Academician Mehmed Aksamija, Vice President of BANU, Academician Šerbo Rastoder, Academician Fatmir Baci, President of the Bosniak National Foundation, Mufti hfz. Abdurrahman ef. Kujevic and President of the Justice and Reconciliation Party Usama Zukorlic.

The president of the Justice and Reconciliation Party, Usama Zukorlic, said that he hoped that one day Sandzak Day would become the day of the unity of Sandzak Bosniaks.

“Three years ago, he addressed this place on Sandzak Day and brought a mustuluk, gladly informing those present that this building we are in now was returned to the legally legitimate Islamic community as a waqf and you know that it was because of the joy that after 60 years he achieved justice by his efforts in Belgrade, shedding tears. In this way, he decorated Sandzak Day and raised the value of Sandzak Day. I hope that one day Sandzak Day will become the day of unity of Sandzak Bosniaks. ”

The moderator of this scientific gathering was Dr. Jahja Fehratovic, who together with academician Zukorlić worked on these two scientific works.

The interest was great that despite the crowded amphitheater and reading room of the FIS, a large number of people stood in the corridors of the Faculty, wanting to follow the presentations of eminent participants in this gathering.

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