Palestine support rally in Sandzak – Rasim Ljajic's party calls out America and Arab League


Several hundred citizens gathered today in the center of Novi Pazar in support of the Palestinian people, demanding an end to the violence in which more than 100 Palestinians have been killed so far and the resumption of peace talks with Israel.

Gathered in the pedestrian zone, they carried Palestinian flags, as well as banners with the inscriptions “Stop killing children”, “Let's save Palestine”, “Freedom for Palestine”, “Stop the Israeli persecution of Palestinians”.

A rally of support entitled “Stop Israeli brutality and Arab non-solidarity with the Palestinian people” was organized by Rasim Ljajic's Sandzak Democratic Party.

At the gathering, which lasted ten minutes, a Proclamation was read in which it was emphasized that the lives of civilians, especially children, must be protected.

“To the United States, the United Nations, the Arab League and all others on the geopolitical scene to do everything in their power to stop the conflict.

The lives of civilians, especially children, must be protected. Life is worth it! It is a universal value that is an integral part of every religion, culture and history. That is why we stand here today and say clearly: The people of Palestine have the right and deserve to live their lives with dignity, in peace and without fear.

We call on the United States to take an active part and take a balanced approach to both sides in order to find a stable, sustainable and long-term solution for
Israeli-Palestinian relations. ”

This is the first time that the SDP has organized support for Palestine, they mostly abstained from previous rallies of support.

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