Secretary of Sandzak Mufti, Edin Djerlek, took part in World Peace Conference in Seoul

Novi Pazar - Organized by the World Alliance for Peace in Seoul, the World Peace Conference in Seoul, Republic of Korea was held from...

From Serbia alone, 192 people heading off to Hajj

Novi Pazar – In Novi Pazar’s towns square "Gazi Isa-beg", a farewell ceremony and ikrar (decision) prayer took place today. On the road to the...

Sandzak Mufti – “Green shirts are a bigger problem than 2,000 Bosniaks killed in...

Northern Sandzak - Mufti Zukorlic stressed that the whole event passed without any incidents, but it’s being abused and manipulated. We recall that supporters of...

Massive emigration of Sandzak Bosniaks – The search for a better life

Sandzak – “Seeking one’s fortune” a proverb said centuries ago by our ancestors for those who abandon their families, their homeland, seeking nafaka (fortune)...

Babies dying in Novi Pazar due to negligence from gynecology department?

Novi Pazar - Despite criticism, the hospital is still operating. Residents of Novi Pazar have no other place for treatment, especially those in poor...

Meshihat leaders sought to improve Qatar and Serbia relations

Qatar - During the three day visit to Qatar, the Meshihat delegation consisting of the president of the Islamic Community in Serbia, Mufti Dr....

Four steps to unification of Islamic community and Bosniaks in Sandzak

Northern Sandzak – Sandzak PRESS has exclusively learned that negotiations are underway towardsunified Islamic community between representatives of SDA (Party of Democratic Action) Sandzak,...

Delegation of Islamic Community in Serbia on an official visit to Qatar

Northern Sandzak - The Delegation of the Islamic Community in Serbia comprised of president Mufti Mevlud effendi Dudic, Sandzak Mufti Muamer effendi Zukorlic and...

International University of Novi Pazar among the founders of the Balkan University Association

The International University of Novi Pazar is one of 32 universities from the Balkan region that are founders of the Balkan University Association. The...

Serbian Patriarch invites country of Serbia to show it's strength against Novi Pazar

Serbia, Novi Pazar - The head of the Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej stated this evening that "much silence is kept" about the events...

Sandzak's Islamic Community problems possibly resolved?

Novi Pazar – Rasim Ljajic’s Regional television frantically announced that yesterday negotiations between Sulejman Ugljanin and Mufti Muamer effendi Zukorlic had started. They also claimed...

Welcome to the School of the Holy Qur'an in Sandzak

Novi Pazar - Guided by the first verses of the Qur'anic publication, and the hadith (teaching) of the Prophet Mohammed p.b.u.h.,, "The best among...

Turkish Ambassador in Serbia visits Sandzak

Northern Sandzak – The president of the Islamic Community in Serbia, Mufti Dr. Mevlud effendi Dudic together with his associates, on September 9, 2014.,...

Serbian Chetniks from Ukraine threaten to attack Sandzak

Serbia, Novi Pazar- Chetnik movement commander Bratislav Živković who spent two months in Novorusija commanding Slavjanic detachment "John Sevic", currently resides in Moscow preparing...

“Preserve our country” event held in Vienna

Austria- In organization of the Sandzak Bosniak Diaspora Community and the Bosniak National Foundation, on September, 6, 2014., beginning at 7 p.m., an event...

Open letter Sandžak magazine due to life and freedom threats of the editor-in-chief an...

Dear, We are addressing you with this open letter in order to draw public attention to the problem the independent investigative journalism in  Sandžak...
