Novi Pazar – In Novi Pazar’s towns square “Gazi Isa-beg”, a farewell ceremony and ikrar (decision) prayer took place today.
On the road to the holy sites this year in organization and through the Islamic Community in Serbia, 192 people will complete the Hajj (pilgrimage) journey. From the area of Sandzak Belgrade there are 129, from Presevo 33, and from Sandzak Diaspora 30 pilgrims.
The ikrar prayer took place with the presence of relatives, friends and acquaintances of the pilgrims as well as the study and chairman of the Meshihat, Dr. Mevlud ef. Dudic, Sandzak Mufti Muamer ef. Zukorlic, managers, directors of the institutions of the Islamic Community in Serbia, as well as representatives of cultural and public life in Sandzak.
The Mufti of Sandzak, Muamer effendi Zukorlic, thanked Allah s.w.t. that this year we are able to send off our ambassadors on the path of holy places. “Every corner of the world is honoured when it has its own pilgrims, here in Sandzak we are honoured more and more from year to year. After the fall of the Caliphate, only two things remain that unite Muslims”, said Mufti. “One of them is Hajj, and the other Friday prayer.”
Mufti added that the nineties were a difficult time on the territory of Sandzak. The time where we had to find ourselves, our name, religion, and identity, a difficult time regaining our strength. Later followed the development of the Islamic community, where significant cultural and religious institutions ensued, after which came a period of trial defence of the Islamic community and its institutions.
Mufti said that no one should be afraid of another persons’ hat, color, and culture, they should fear their own evil, as it will destroy anyone who carries it in their hearts.
“We are confident in our faith, culture, nation, our Islamic community, education, language, our safs (rows that are formed during prayer), families, in our moral and spiritual values. So Serbia and the Serbian people, do not worry, because everyone is safe with their back turned to us. A true Muslim is one from whose tongue and hands other people are safe from. Those are the kinds of Muslims we give birth to, we teach and educate. These are the Muslims we make our rows from. So do not be afraid when such Muslims start parading in their colors and fezzes (hats). “- Said the Mufti of Sandzak.
Following Mufti Zukorlic’s address, attendees were also addressed by Meshihat President, Dr. Mevlud ef. Dudic, who emphasized that we are primarily gathered to ponder the prayer for our ambassadors to represent us with dignity and to make du'a (prayer) for us.
“Lebejke Allahuma Lebejk, I report it so no one resents the fact that pilgrims have their own anthem. Our Ambassadors our “hadžinice” and pilgrims beginning from now slowly until the end of the Hajji worship start to associate with this hajji anthem. In response to the Lord, regarding the regulation performance of Hajj. They will recite this anthem from the heart with several million pilgrims from around the world. “
The farewell to the pilgrims was made even more special by having the participants of the day-care “Reuda and Vildan” recite a few poems.
Qur’anic recitation was led by hfz. Haris Hadzic while the ikrar prayer was led by hfz. Abdurrahman Kujevic.
Of the total number of pilgrims 70 are women and 23 married couples, while 37 pilgrims will perform Hajj as Bedel (in replacement of someone else). This year's Hajj will be led by Director of Medresa Resad ef Plojovic, with the help of guides hfz. Abdurahman ef. Kujević, MA. Enver ef. Omerovic, while the healthcare of each pilgrim will be taken care of by Altan Gegić.
SANA Agency