Academician Zukorlic: Highway will eliminate economic injustice, Sjenica to be most developed Sandzak municipality


Article 4 of the co-operation agreement between the Justice and Reconciliation Party and the Serbian Progressive Party envisions major infrastructure projects in Sandzak. Some of them are in the beginning of works, suhc as the construction of the Požega-Boljare highway by 2022, as well as the design of the Duga Poljana-Kotroman highway by the end of 2023. Academician Mumaer Zukorlić said that the economic injustice towards Sandžak will be eliminated by the highway intersection.


The construction of the highway will also mean the arrival of investors, first in the highway belt, but also beyond, according to Academician Zukorlić. He points out that he expects Sjenica to become the most developed municipality in Sandzak.
– Here we will have a completely new dynamic in economic development that we cannot describe. That will mean in employment. This means that those poor people will also be less poor. Of course, those who are closer to the highway will benefit the most. Now the political struggle around Sjenica is a little clearer to you. If this is the plan, Sjenica will, in my opinion, become the most developed municipality in Sandzak in 7 to 10 years.
– For me, these are key things that include both the national and economic aspect. We will have a highway connection with Belgrade and Sarajevo, which will also mean Podgorica, a little later we will need to connect here to Mitrovica and get that connection to Pristina, and further freeways are being made to Istanbul. The highway crossroads will remove the economic injustice towards Sandzak and the destruction that has been installed in the last 100 years by the deliberate, tendentious, political design of traditional roads. We are at a crossroads, but they bypassed us because they planned for us to disappear, now that is changing, said academician Zukorlić.

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