Funeral makes Sandzak history – Thousands of believers bid farewell to academician Mufti Zukorlic


At the Gazi Isa-beg Square in Novi Pazar, a funeral was held for the Vice President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, MP, leader of the Justice and Reconciliation Party, Mufti Academician Muamer ef. Zukorlic.

Tens of thousands of believers attended the farewell of Zukorlic to a better world, among whom are the former reis-ulema of the Islamic Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dr. Mustafa ef. Ceric and the current reis-ulema dr. Hussein ef. Kavazovic, testify to the greatness of this Muslim leader.

MP prof. dr. Jahja Fehratovic addressed the audience, emphasizing that it is up to us to follow the path that Mufti Zukorlić followed up until the last moment of his life.

-Today, here on Gazi Isa-beg Square in Novi Pazar, we are temporarily saying goodbye to the leader, teacher, father of our nation. Last night I told Aga that he had the privilege of being the mufti’s father and the mufti was the father of us all. He left us many things in his emanations, he drew us a road map, he showed us by his example where these Bosniak people should go, how we should behave with dignity, proudly, with faith in God to persevere in what is the common good. Mufti left us emanations, gave us a vision, left us a mission and it is up to us to follow his path which he followed up until the last moment of his life. Yesterday he gave a lecture, engaged in the work he loves most of all, to teach, to spread the word of God, to spread literacy, to spread the mission of enlightenment. After that, between the two lectures, he returned to his Lord. Today we are sending our leader to the other world, I am asking the Almighty Lord to be the boss of all of us in the other world. Today we see off a mujahideen and a fighter on the path of God, we see off someone who has endowed himself with life, someone who is a martyr of this time, someone whom Allah has given to be one of those born in 100 years in one nation. Dear Mufti, we, to whom you were more than a leader, to whom you were a parent, a friend, say here at this moment that we will try with all our being, our lives to carry these flags you left us, to continue your mission and testify that you will live until the day of judgment, until the day of our meeting in the Hereafter. ”

The present believers were also addressed by the President of the Meshihat, Mufti Dr. Mevlud ef. Dudic, who emphasized that once in 100 years such people are born and that such people make changes.

– Dear brothers, esteemed army, dear ulema, dear guests, I had the honor, but we did not agree, to speak to my brother the mufti here today, I was convinced that it would be different, but he always told me when someone would mind commenting on our livelihood, only Allah knows how long we are destined to live. Here we have gathered here in the square of Gazi isa-beg Ishaković to worship the funeral of the second gazi in our history, and the third in the history of Bosniaks, Gazi Husrev-beg, Gazi Isa-beg and Gazi Muamer-beg. It's hard for everyone, but it will be the hardest for me, while I preformed ghusl this morning, I just realized what he is, his noble chest is bigger than Hajla mountain and that's why he was like that, that's why he owed us so much and that's why he succeeded so much. I responsibly claim that once in 100 years such people are born and such people make changes. Allah has honored us, we have been together day after day for 28 years, I am a little older than him but every time I learned big things from him and acknowledged him as my teacher. I have tried many times to say that we should not run but walk, as he knows, he ran because he believed and was convinced that it would not be a long life, 51 years, so he would tell us we have to make up for what is 200 years missed in this area and here today, my brother Muammar, our mufti, you fought for this square, the Islamic Faculty and you fought for, you know, there are tens of thousands of your supporters who came to worship your funeral and give you halal, I hope you will halal for us too. You also returned this building here to us after 50 years of being alienated, and here was the first endowment and the first mosque of Isa-beg Ishaković and the first school. I remember that 12 rebiu-l-evela when you made us happy that the government of the Republic of Serbia corrected the injustice and returned this waqf to the Islamic community, you cried with joy then. And the Novi Pazar spa and many other things. You told me whenever we do a project, I experience it as a child growing up, my heart is full when the Quran School produces its hafiz, I am overjoyed when the madrasa achieves great results and the Islamic Faculty becomes a pride, especially the International University, you gave your life for it all, you put a lot of trouble on yourself because you decided to start the project of founding the International University and make Novi Pazar not only recognizable by kebabs, mantije and shoes, but for it to be a university city. It was 15 years ago and it was at that university that you went to say goodbye to him and his students for the last time, you held the last class in this world and sent us a message on that piece of land, the waqf good of Sultan Mehmed Fatih, you left it to Allah soul.

Former Reisu-l-ulema from Bosnia and Herzegovina Mustafa ef. Ceric said that the character and work of Mufti Zukorlić will remain in our hearts forever.

– This is a day of sorrow today, a day of sorrow for all Bosniaks wherever they are. To the Hereafter we send our father, son, brother, friend, our great mufti, the man who has entrusted us all with his life. Saying goodbye to a man like him was not easy. I want to remind all of us in Sandzak and in BiH and across the sea of ​​both of them what Abu Bakr said at the funeral of Muhammad a.s .: “O people! Truly he who loved Muhammad should know that he is indeed dead. Whoever worships Allah knows that He is alive and will never die. ”

This day of sorrow in our hearts should be the day when we will leave behind what he left behind, the way he lived, the values ​​he stood for, what he gave us, encouraged us and showed us the way, that is what he does not dies and what remains behind Muammar, as well as what remained behind our Bosniak greats all the way to Muhammad as This is a day of sorrow, but also a day of great ibret. Gathered here in the square as he taught us we must continue and learn to walk alone and without Muammar, he wanted it, he gave his life for it.

All his was to teach us how to walk proudly, heads held high bravely without calculations. It was our Muamer and he left no one indifferent, neither the dowries nor the enemies. He forced everyone, in his own way, to respect him and that is a value and a school that we could only learn from Muamer. We will remember Muamer who raised the Bosniaks of Sandzak to their feet “, said Kavazovic, and continued:

– He always said this is our country, Serbia is our country and we want to be stable, dignified and respected, if we follow that he is gone from this world and he will stay alive with us as long as we follow in his footsteps.

I ask you, there are difficult moments in our lives, we are all sons of Adem and he is the one who made the first mistake, so I ask you if we will halal him “, Kavazovic asked.

In booming unison, everyone present confirmed halal three times.

– May Allah bring him to Paradise and the family to alleviate this affliction “; concluded Reis Kavazovic.

The burial was performed in the village of Orlje near Tutin. Hatar will be held in the family house in Orlje.


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