Islamic Center Gazilar in Novi Pazar is the seal of all successes


The Islamic Center Gazilar in Novi Pazar, of the Meshihat of the Islamic Community in Serbia, opened to all believers on Ramadan eve, April 13, 2021. A beacon of beauty and architecture as well as a seal of all the successes the Meshihat of the Islamic Community has achieved over decades. The most beautiful and most modern, not only in Novi Pazar, Sandzak, and Serbia, but all the way to Istanbul.

The Islamic Center Gazilar consists of two parts on an area of over 50 acres. The mosque space is located on an area of a thousand square meters.

The second unit, with a total area of ​​one thousand square meters, includes education rooms with two classrooms, a restaurant, a kitchen, four mourning rooms, two for men and two for women, three ghusl seats in two separate rooms, car access to ghuslhans and accompanying rooms. The accommodation capacities of the Center consist of a three-room apartment for the imam, an office for administrative affairs and business premises that can be used for commercial purposes.

The center has four entrances by the street, two pedestrian and two carts connected to Ghuslhan as well as a parking lot with 20 spots. The entrances are set up in such a way that they can be used together or divided according to purpose, into official and public entrances. The pedestrian entrance is connected to the plateau on the north side of the building of 400 m2, which can have several functions. The second pedestrian entrance from the street directly leads to the mourning room, which also has an entrance from the plateau. The 37-meter-high minaret is located on the south side, while next to it is the entrance to the multifunctional hall in the basement of the Center.

The Islamic Center Gazilar operates in optimal temperature conditions, in winter with a central pellet boiler, underfloor and radiator heating, and in summer with a central cooling system with air conditioners built into the walls of the mosque space. The functioning of the center is monitored using a modern information system that offers great opportunities for organizing work by flexible transmission of sound and images to different parts of the Center.




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