Academician Zukorlic: We cannot accept taboo, I support Djokovic


Making a guest appearance on Happy Television's Morning program, Academician Muamer Zukorlic, spoke about the current state of the coronavirus. He also referred to what he says is an “inquisitorial approach” to all those who think freely. Commenting on the “Djokovic” incident, he said that the right to vote and the right to an opinion should not be denied to anyone.

– Djokovic is being attacked for daring to speak his opinion. They attack him because he does not accept taboo. We have certain trends that, under various pretexts, do not allow people to express their opinions. The man (Djokovic) simply said that he was not against the vaccine but that he was in favor of the right to choose and he wanted to know what he was being injected with. Well, I support him, let Novak Djokovic know that I support him now more than when he won matches. The right to choose and the right to an opinion must not be neglected. We cannot agree to taboo. An intellectual (thinking being) does not put up with the opinion being served. As long as we have free-thinking, courageous, high-impact people, we stand a chance. I cannot accept that we are now entering into this with praise for various totalitarianisms and dictatorships and forgetting all the other anomalies that result from it.

He referred to the notion of freedom and attitude, but also to what extent discipline and distance are key factors in this condition.

– The framework of freedom is defined by the vertical of ethical and moral principles, which is invariable through human civilization, and the legal framework. These are two measures. Of course, within this moral context, we in public functions and positions have a greater responsibility and therefore have to be careful about what we say. The key is keeping an argument.

Academician Zukorlic also paid special attention to the way the situation with the coronavirus was presented to the public, saying that it cannot be normal to block the entire world and all aspects of life.

– We had a disproportionate relationship between the amount of fear and the amount of harm and danger. We also had a non-professional approach to presenting data. We have to admit that. In what sense? We had statistics every day, but statistics don't make sense unless we have a comparative opportunity with other statistics. So, if you say that in this week, in April, so many people died of COVID19 in Serbia, you should tell us at that instant how many people died from everything else in order to have some orientation. Every death is great and therefore you create the psychological tension that it's terrible now. We had to have data on mortality from other diseases, so let's see where we were and the total viral mortality at the same time last year. That is absent, wonder why? Just as if there was an intention to move things in one direction. It is not natural and it cannot be what happened, no matter the danger, it cannot be normal to block the entire world and all aspects of life.

He also said what he expects to happen in the upcoming period.

– I expect polarization of social processes in two directions. One is an attempt to create an ultra-globalization that is supposed to restore some of the most sophisticated slavery that has ever happened in human civilization. And on the other hand, we will have the libertarian spirit of me, Djokovic, you and others who say it's okay, we want health, but we don't give up freedom and we will not glorify totalitarian systems.

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