Muslimani u Washingtonu džumu-namaz klanjali u katedrali

Amerika - Nacionalna katedrala u Washingtonu jučer je otvorila svoja vrata za muslimanske vjernike kako bi obavili sedmičnu molitvu džuma-namaz u toj bogomolji. Ipak, jedna...

Belgrade: The National Assembly building site was once home to a mosque, this is...

Serbia - Imagine walking through Belgrade at the Nikola Pasic Square, and as you descend towards Tasmajdan, instead of passing the next National Assembly...

Electoral fraud in Tutin caught on tape

Sandzak - As previously announced, the crew of SANA agency recorded any and all evidence of electoral fraud in Tutin. The recording was taken ​​at...

Džuma u vašingtonskoj katedrali

Amerika - Ambijent vašingtonske katedrale preuređuje se za sutrašnju molitvu muslimanskih vjernika. Nacionalna katedrala u Washingtonu u petak će vrata otvoriti za muslimanske vjernike kako bi...

Privodi se kraju izgradnja Islamskog centra u Njujorku – (Video)

Amerika - Radovi na izgradnji islamskog centra u Njujorku privode se kraju. Kako kažu Bošnjaci koji se nalaze tamo taj islamski centar prije svega...

Muslims of Serbia and Sandzak upset over belittlement of Prophet, p.b.u.h

Through the Facebook network our youth groups spread the call to protest against the desecration of  the image of Prophet Muhammed, p.b.u.h., in textbooks...

SDA violated the agreement to a fair campaign – Great electoral fraud in Tutin

Sandzak – The party "For Bosniaks, Sandzak and Mufti" confirmed that in Sjenica, and especially in Tutin, electoral fraud took place, the majority of...

“For Bosniaks, Sandzak and Mufti” is authentic and has had tremendous results

Sandzak - Sandzak Mufti Muamer Zukorlic expressed concern that due to the great disappointment of Bosniaks in Serbia turnout for the elections of the...

Chetnik threats escalade as their arrival nears

Serbia - After four months of war in Ukraine on the side of pro-Russian forces, the commander of the Chetnik terrorist movement, Bratislav Zivkovic,...

International University and its staff among the best in Serbia

Serbia - NGO iSerbia together with a team of sociologists, which was managed by Mr. Ana Ranitović and spec. Milos Jovanovic conducted research on...


POGLEDAJTE i glasajte broj (1) :)

Dzudzo – I approved textbooks with drawings of the Prophet Muhammed, pbuh

Northern Sandzak - Esad Dzudzo signed approval for printing the controversial textbook with illustrations of the Prophet Muhammed, and, admitted he hadn’t examined it...

Zukorlic: Fejzic fears for his job so he doesn't know what he's saying

Sandzak – The Reis of the Islamic community in Montenegro Rifat effendi Fejzic is insecure and afraid for his position because otherwise I can...

Chetniks schedule “Liberation walk” through Novi Pazar for October 23

Novi Pazar - The Chetnik movement invites all admirers of patriotic Serbian liberation wars that their presence be at Peter's church on October 23,...

Amerikanci greškom napali kolonu Iračke vojske (video)

6 Irak, Amerika - Pogledajte kako su Amerikanci jučer masakrirali iračku vojsku: Kažu, greškom ih pogodili! 73 vojnika su pogunula i određen broj vojnika je ranjen. (vijestiummeta)

Minister of police – All security services will engage in Sandzak

Northern Sandzak- The Republic of Serbia and all of its security services will be employed to keep the peace, constitutional order, the safety of...

SAD napao naftna postrojenja ISIL-a

2 Amerika, Sirija - Sjedinjene Američke Države i njihovi arapski saveznici nastavili su, treću noć zaredom, zračne napade na militante grupe Islamska država Iraka i Levanta (ISIL)...

Imamovic: “Sandzak to obtain a high degree of autonomy – similar to South Tyrol”

Northern Sandzak - Vice president and deputy of SDA Sandzak Enis Imamovic believes that Sandzak should have a high degree of autonomy as does...

Secretary of Sandzak Mufti, Edin Djerlek, took part in World Peace Conference in Seoul

Novi Pazar - Organized by the World Alliance for Peace in Seoul, the World Peace Conference in Seoul, Republic of Korea was held from...

Fejzić naredio zabranu ativnosti hfz. Abdurahmanu Kujeviću u rožajskim džamijama

Ono što bi se moglo okarakterisa kao najveći grijeh koji je zamjeren hafizu Kujeviću od strane "crnogorske islamske zajednice" jeste njegovo zalaganje za ujedinjenje Islamske zajednice u CG u sastav Rijaseta IZ u BiH i vraćanje i objedinjavanje medžlisa Rožaja, Petnjice, Plava, Gusinja, Bijelog Polja i Pljevalja pod Muftijstvom Sandžačkim, kako je i bio slučaj prije cijepanja Islamske zajednice Sandžaka.
