Sandzak – The party “For Bosniaks, Sandzak and Mufti” confirmed that in Sjenica, and especially in Tutin, electoral fraud took place, the majority of voters who were to vote for the party “For Bosniaks, Sandzak and Mufti” had their right taken away because the municipal administration erased them from the electoral roll.
We recall that this act is a violation of the agreement signed by the Office of the OSCE in Novi Pazar, by Dr. Jahja Fehratović, Dr. Sulejman Ugljanin, as well as Semsudin Kucevic and Hazbija Mujović, the mayors of Tutin and Sjenica.
The agreement consisted of a fair pre-election campaign for the Bosniak National Council elections, which meant that one party does not participate in the deletion of people from the electoral roll.
Head of the party “For Bosniaks, Sandzak and Mufti” Dr. Jahja Fehratović declared victory last night in Sandzak and requested the Republic Electoral Commission (RIK) annul the results of the voting in Tutin, where Ugljanin’s party won by a huge margin.
“The municipality of Tutin is a civilizational electoral stain that must be cleaned. We do not recognize these results, we seek to annul and to ensure normal conditions for the implementation of the electoral process in Tutin”, said Fehratović.
How SDA stole the elections in Tutin:
1) approximately 50% of the voters who vote for BDZ and Mufti were evicted from the electoral roll and therefore were denied the right to vote
2) violation of rules, as presidents and deputy election commissions at polling stations were not officers of that profession
3) the president of the commission at the polling station Dubovo wore an SDA shirt and thus grossly violated the rules
4) the number of ballots in the record did not coincide with the counted ballots at many places, which means that the commission appointed by the municipality participated in election fraud
5) they did not complied with the rules, as banners of SDA should not be within 50m of a polling station
6) A.H., an education inspector pressured the Commission at the polling stations to allow voters without identification cards and that one person is allowed to vote for their whole family
7) at a couple of municipalities assisted by police the officers conducted violent pressure on members of the committee from BDZ to sign the record that everything was in order at the polling stations
8) in a few places (ex. Dubovo, Lipljani and others.) polling boxes were not sealed
9) at a large number of polling stations there was no lamp or spray
In a somewhat milder version, similar is the situation in Sjenica where SDA is in power. These are all evidence that SDA Sandzak fraudulently gained a slight advantage in Sandzak, and that it has no legitimacy to independently lead the Bosniak National Council.
SANA Agency