Endlich eine gute Nachricht aus Europa, der Islam wurde in Luxemburg anerkannt

Luxemburg: Islam wird anerkannte und gleichberechtigte Religionsgemeinschaft Rat besteht zukünftig aus fünf Imamen und einem Mufti als religiösem Oberhaupt Der Islam erhält in Luxemburg die gleichen...

Serben konvertieren immer häufiger zum Islam

Österreich, Serbien - Wir sehen immer häufiger konvertierungen zum Islam von den Mitgliedern des serbischen Volkes. Die Serbin Brenda Zaric von Negotina konvertiert zum Islam In...

Mafia families of Sandzak

Sjenica – Sjenica, a city where, in the past couple of years, criminal thrives regardless of the season. In this story, the main culprits are...

Wie spiegelt sich das Problem der Islamophobie in Sandschak?

Sandschak - Jeden Montag um 20Uhr auf Sandschak TV, haben die Fernsehzuschauer die Möglichkeit, die Show " Durchsuchung" anzuschauen. Die Gäste, bei der Gestrigen...

PRETRES talkshow: How Islamophobia problem reflects on Sandzak

Sandžak - Every Monday at 8 p.m. on Sandzak Television viewers have a chance to watch the show "Pretres"(Shakedown). Last night's guests were Dr....

Letzte Nacht wurde in den Hauptnachrichten des russischen nationalen Fernsehens, die Erklärung von Mufti...

Russland - Der erste Kanal des russischen Staatsfernsehen hat eine Erklärung des Mufti Zukorlic  augestrahlt, über den Islam in dem berichten zu den jüngsten...

Mufti Zukorlic's statement about Islam aired on Primetime Russian National Television

Russia - The first channel of Russian state television broadcasted a statement by Mufti Zukorlic on Islam within the stories on the latest developments...

BDZ organisierte eine Konferenz in Podgorica : “Der Islam fördert Frieden”

BDZ organisierte eine Konferenz in Podgorica : "Der Islam fördert Frieden"  Sandschak, Montenegro - Montenegrinischen Medien sollten den Abstand zwischen Terroristen und Religion halten, an...

Sandzak PRESS started mit den Nachrichten auf Deutsch

Sandzak - Um den Inhalt und die Verbreitung von Nachrichten in Sandschak auf einen noch weitern Bereich durchzuführen, einschließlich der internationalen Gemeinschaft und der Faktoren,...

Message from Montenegro: Islam promotes peace

Sandzak, Montenegro - Montenegrin media should make the difference between terrorists and religion known, announced speakers at the press conference organized by the Bosniak...

A call for the killing of Sandzak Muslims

Priboj – At the same place where only a few days ago activists of the Youth Office from Priboj painted over hate graffiti written...

Vucic: Do not harass citizens of the Islamic faith in Serbia, I am visiting...

Sandzak- Serbia strongly condemns the terrorist act and terrible crime that took place in Paris, said Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic today, concerning the attack...

Australia, Sweden, Germany, France … Who's next?

The situation in the Australian city of Sydney was alarming, where an armed kidnapper held 17 hostages captive for 16 hours at the coffee...

Mufti Zukorlic: ‘Western media must apologize for linking Islam with terrorism’

Novi Pazar – During the two-hour interview with Sandzak Mufti Muamer ef. Zukorlic for Sandzak Television, he spoke about the actualized issue of terrorism...

Routes running through Sandzak are nightmares for residents

A usual route running through the Sandzak region consists of potholes, stomach-wrenching curves, bumps and gaping meteor sized patches tearing through the asphalt. These...

Center for Humanitarian Work “Hajrat”: Glimmer of hope for poverty-stricken families

The Center for Humanitarian Work "Hajrat" is a branch of the Islamic Community in Serbia that as thus far helped thousands of homeless, ill...

Frequent Serbian conversions to Islam

Austria, Serbia - We are witnessing more frequent acceptances of Islam by members of Serbian nationality.  Just yesterday the media reported three conversions to...

Mufti Dudic welcomes Turkish diplomat

Novi Pazar, Turkey – On Friday, December 19th 2014. President of the Meshihat Islamic Community in Serbia, mufti Dr. Mevlud Dudić welcomed the First...

Pressure on Muslims in Montenegro from regime

Rozaje – Today the Basic Court of Rozaje, held a precedent. For the first time after communism, the congregation in the dock, are charged...

Austria: Prohibition of funding Imams and mosques from abroad

Austria - The law clearly emphasizes that the laws of the State take precedence over religious rules. The Austrian government has adopted a draft...
