Young students of School of the Holy Qur'an proudly wear hijab


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Novi Pazar – Participants of the children's Hifz group (sixth juz), along with their Professor Hafiza Šemsa Dacić, staged a festive gathering at the School of the Holy Qur'an to mark the dawning of the hijab, or Islamic veil, for several participants of the mentioned Hifz group.

  1. Ajsa Mekić -14 years old, dawned the hijab on this day7
  2. Hadidza El-Karem -14 years old, dawned the hijab at 6 years of age
  3. Merdija Nurković -12 years old, dawned the hijab at 9 years of age
  4. Sumeja Destanović -12 years old, dawned the hijab at 9 years of age
  5. Fatima Ferizović -12 years old, dawned the hijab at 9 years of age

There are children who wear hijab in our other groups as well, the participants of this group have decided to celebrate in this way. May Allah (SWT) reward them and their valuable Hafiza Šemsa Dacić.

We hope that the School of the Holy Qur’an is home to many beautiful gatherings and occasions, and that in the near future other students will follow in the footsteps of our new little hijabis. Amen !!



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