Young Bosniak woman becomes mayor of town in America's Iowa state


America – Anesa Kajtazovic, at only 26 years of age, recently became Mayor of the city of Waterloo in the US state of Iowa. Winning the race against experienced Republican John Rooff.

Kajtazovic was born in Bihac, her parents fled to America during the war of the 90’s. In order to feed their family they had to work several jobs, mainly heavy, physically enduring ones.

Anesa was educated in the US – she finished high school in West Waterloo, and then at the University of Northern Iowa received her diploma as a specialist in public and business administration.

The young Bosniak woman won the election with 59 percent of the votes, beating out veteran politician and former mayor of Waterloo Johan Rooff.

Local newspapers have reported that 64-year-old mayor, who during the campaign was under fire for questionable spending of state money, had no chance in win against the charming and ambitious Bosniak woman.

Seeing as how in Waterloo a large number of Anesa Kajtazovic’s compatriots live, her victory was celebrated for days on end.

Kajtazovic was already a member of the Iowa House of Representatives.

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