Washington, D.C.: Gala dinner 2019 – savjetodavno vijeće za Bosnu i Hercegovinu


Nakon Clintona i Bidena – Savjetodavno vijeće za BiH počelo pripreme za novu Gala večeru
Ugledni profesor ustavnog prava prof. dr. Kasim Trnka kazao je nedavno za Radiosarajevo.ba da su za BiH Washington i Brisel najvažniji centri i da “tu treba lobirati i na svaki način biti prisutan tamo”.
Koliko se to shvata u Sarajevu, jasno iz činjenice da se nad ovu zemlju, sve otvorenije, i to na brojnim adresama, stavlja upitnik, a da je lobiranja u Washingtonu i Briselu isuviše malo.
Srećom ima i onih koji se ne mire s ovakvim stanjem stvari.
Savjetodavno vijeće za Bosnu i Hercegovinu (ACBiH – Advisory Council for Bosnia and Herzegovina) već godinama radi kako bi promijenilo ove neugodne istine.
Nakon veoma uspješne protekle dvije godine, ova organizacija vrši pripremu ovogodišnje Gala večere koja će se održati u Washingtonu 13. aprila 2019. godine. Na velikoj Gala večeri koja je održana 5. maja 2018. godine kao specijalni gost prisustvovao je bivši američki predsjednik Bill Clinton koji je tom prilikom dobio nagradu za životno dostignuće, a događaji su se odazvali i brojni ugledni ljudi iz svih sfera američkog društva.

Godinu ranije ACBiH je isto priznanje dodijelio i američkom potpredsjedniku, legendarnom Joe Bidenu.
S obzirom na značaj političkog trenutka u BiH i na Balkanu, ACBiH će nastojati da i ovogodišnja Gala večera bude na dostignutom visokom nivou, potvrdili su nam organizatori. 

/F.V., radiosarajevo)


2019 ACBH Gala
April 13, 2019 at the Whittemore House
1526 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20036


On April 13, 2019, the Advisory Council for Bosnia and Herzegovina (ACBH) will be hosting a gala dinner at the Whittemore House in Washington, D.C. The gala is expected to draw over 170 guests from throughout the world, and include high-level officials from the United States and BiH, diplomats, business elites, and members of the media.

For over a decade, ACBH has been the most effective U.S. non-governmental organization promoting BiH and the interests and needs of Bosnian Americans. It is through the support of our donors, partners and volunteers that ACBH has been able to strengthen and assert the Bosnian American advocacy in front of policymakers in Washington, D.C.

2018 ACBH Gala: click on the picture and visit photo gallery 2018

Being the first-ever Bosnian American organization to open an office in Washington, D.C. just a block from the White House, ACBH has collectivized efforts representing Bosnian causes, including the U.S. recognition of the genocide in Srebrenica through the passing of two resolutions in U.S. Congress, founding of the first-ever Congressional Caucus on Bosnia in U.S. Congress, arranging and executing three successful Congressional trips to BiH, organizing over 60 events related to BiH in front of the Washington policymaking community, aiding in over $220,000 in humanitarian relief efforts in BiH, providing scholarship opportunities for Bosnian Americans to intern on Capitol Hill and countering genocide denial and revision of history through various educational programs.

2018 ACBH Gala: click on the picture and visit photo gallery 2018

As a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit, ACBH will provide donation receipts following the Gala for your sponsorship. Proceeds raised from the Gala will directly benefit the important work of our organization and will be used to strengthen the Bosnian American voice in Washington, D.C. and in advocating for a united, multi-ethnic and democratic BiH. With a combined audience of over 20,000+ international affiliates through our website, mailing lists, and social media, ACBH cordially invites you to join us as an official sponsor and partner of our 2019 Gala. We believe this will be an excellent opportunity to promote your company and services to a high net worth community in the U.S., and globally.
If you have any questions concerning your sponsorship benefits and/or our organization, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

Adnan Hadrovic
Chairman of the Board of Directors

Gala Sponsorship Opportunities: acbih.org/gala

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Washington, D.C.: Gala dinner 2019 – savjetodavno vijeće za Bosnu i Hercegovinu

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