Suad Dacic evacuated from Yemen!



Yemen – A student from Sjenica, Suad Dacic, was evacuated from war-affected Yemen, when he landed in Djibouti and he contacted his family to tell them that he was alright.

Suad was attending the Faculty of Islamic Studies in Sana, which he enrolled in after completing Madrasah (Islamic High School) in Novi Pazar. He was on his final year of studies and had only his final exams to pass.

We are reminded that Suad contacted his parents and the Islamic Community in Serbia on Monday, and told them to appeal to the Serbian country to evacuate him as soon as possible from Shiite rebel controlled Sana.

He had tried to leave Yemen, he even bought a plane ticket, but a few hours before the flight was scheduled to depart an airport bombing coalition of Arab states led by Saudi Arabia attacked and Suad was forced to return to the dorms.

In recent days his relatives have been communicating with him over the internet where he told them that his life was in danger, Saudi Arabian air force constantly bombarded Sana and the city was echoing with explosions.

Yemen is undergoing a rampant civil war between Shiite rebels and the army of Yemen and members of Al-Qaeda. Saudi Arabia and nine other Arab countries joined the conflict and started pounding positions of the armed formations of Shiites to prevent their offensive and take control of entire Yemen.

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