Mufti Zukorlic – Splitting of Islamic Community and non-recognition of electoral will in Sandzak can be dangerous



Sandžak – Sandzak Mufti Muamer ef. Zukorlic stated on Friday how dangerous it is to maintain the existing situation and continue letting the Islamic Community be disunited. Mufti Zukorlić for TV Pink 3 said that for two years there have been suggestive positive signals from Belgrade, and that problems  are expected to be solved in due time because the Islamic world can’t come to terms with the condition of there being  two Islamic communities.

Mufti Zukorlić stressed how he cannot hate Serbia, or the Serbian people, because there is no collective responsibility in this situation and it remains on him to treat the government depending on how it behaves towards Bosniaks.

“Morally and spiritually I have a problem in accepting a poltroon-like way of functioning,” he said.

He believes that during the government of former Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica “brutal aggression on the unity of the Islamic community”, was made which was organized with the support of Ugljanin in Novi Pazar.

He added then that at the time of then Serbian President, Boris Tadic, a second unprecedented attack was completed, to take away the legality of the Bosniak National Council.

Mufti Zukorlić assessed how “the rights to free elections were trampled by the highest levels of government”.

He concluded that the elections for the Bosniak National Council in Tutin, where for the past two decades Ugljanin holds power, brutal election theft and fraud was committed and the Republic Electoral Commission illegally handed Ugljanin the Council, according to Tanjug.

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