Is there no justice in Serbia !? Serbian soldier publicly calls for rape and massacre of Bosniaks!



Darko Tomic (25) from Sabac, a Serbian army soldier, publicly on his Facebook profile calls upon the rape and murder of Bosniaks.

Due to the moral code of this portal we will not publish the vile detailed proclamation Tomic posted. In an overview of the shameful poem, Tomic glorifies the rape of Bosniak women and the Srbrenica genocide, along with notorious army commander Ratko Mladic who is awaiting trial for the slaughter of innocent Muslims during the war of the early 1990's.

A few excerpts from Tomic's barbaric post: 

“…Livers strewn everywhere,

the Srebrenica mother screams, cries, and houls

with her sons we fed our sows…

…It was a real martyr parade,

the Srbs whiped out the Balija (offensive name used for Muslim Bosniaks)  stench

from all sides the sounds of roars, strains, shots being fired

Serbian hero Ratko Mladic ….

… Again will the mothers of Srebrenica bear a sad face,

Serbs will once again collect all the scum in massive graves…

… These memories take me back to the happy days,

wouldn't be bad to have them be repeated again…”

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