I am ashamed for saying, “for each murdered Serb 100 Muslims should be killed”


Vučić: Lažni azilanti ne žele posao u Nemačkoj, već novac

Serbia – Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said that false asylum seekers in Germany aren’t coming to look for jobs, but rather for monetary aid.

In an interview with the German weekly “Der Spiegel”, he advised Germany to give  applicants for asylum from Serbia less financial support, in order to avoid false asylum seekers.

“You must give them less money,” stressed the Prime Minister, adding that German “pocket money” exceeds the average salary in the country.

  “These people do not want to work in our country, nor in Germany, and for that you reward them with a lot of money, then once they return to Serbia,  six months later they are at it again trying to go back to Germany,” explained Vucic and underlined that these are “false asylum seekers”.

Serbia wants to join EU by 2020

Vucic said that Serbia wants to join the EU by 2020.

“Serbia has a future in the EU, though many citizens feel closeness with Russia. However, when it comes to the society in which they want to live, then it is clear that four-fifths opt for the western model “, said the Prime Minister.

We must talk with people in Pristina

As for Kosovo, the Prime Minister underlined that he respects the Constitution of Serbia, but also takes into account the reality of the situation.

“We need to talk to these people in Pristina, otherwise it will come to a standstill. Formalities are not important to me, “he said.

Vucic has admitted that there is pressure from the EU on the Kosovo issue, denying accusations of blackmail.

I am ashamed of the idiotic things I have said in the past

When asked about his past, as well as political views, he explained that he was 23 years old when he entered politics and that his country was at war then, so it was normal to take the side of his countrymen.

“I feared then that the horrific events of World War II would repeat themselves, many of my ancestors were killed by the Ustasha (degrading nickname for Croatians who fought in war) Croats. This is one of the reasons why I am now very cautious in commenting about Croats, because I do not want my political function to interfere with my personal story, “he explained.

Vucic added that he is really ashamed of the “couple of idiotic things said,” and when asked if he meant his statement that “for every killed Serb 100 Muslims should be killed”, he said that he has nothing to hide and that he has publicly acknowledged all of his mistakes.

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