Funeral for Hadzet martyrs held



Once again on September 4th, Bosniaks showed they haven't forgotten their ancestors, who were shot guilt-free at Hadžet. After Friday prayer, accompanied by booming Takbirs, the parade in memory of the Hadzet martyrs headed to the place of suffering for several thousand Bosniaks where the imams of the Islamic  Community recited Jasin, while the funeral prayer for the souls of the martyrs was later led by Meshihat President Mevlud ef. Dudic.

The descendants of the murdered elite, and several hundred believers with tears in their eyes, led by  representatives of the Meshihat guided by President Chief Mufti Mevlud  Dudić and Sandzak Mufti Muamer ef. Zukorlic .

Mufti Zukorlić reminded those present of the reasons for the suffering of the Hadzet martyrs:

“Representatives of a country  70 years ago killed innocent people because they belonged to a certain nation and because, politically and ideologically, they didn’t suit the regime. Representatives of this country must decidedly distance themselves from this crime, ” stated Mufti.

“At first they must open the archives and therefore make all documentations available. Until that happens, the message any government and regime is sending will be ugly.

Mufti recalled the first anniversary of Hadzet when, as Mufti pointed out, the government clashed with the people.

“We want to believe that there will be such a time when the government and the people will be on the same side, in one prayer row under the same banner. And that will happen when all levels of government include representatives who are not at odds with the people. Who respect what the people respect, “Mufti added.

Zukorlić said that Bosniaks come every September 4th ignoring threats and everything else. He stresses that this is a religious-cultural event which proves that Bosniaks haven’t been broken, and will always take the side of those who fall victim to injustice.

“What no one can take away is out right to raise a voice against injustice.” said Mufti Zukorlić and added:

“When Bosniaks gather in various campaigns, events, and institutions, no one should be concerned, because everything we do, we do for the good of all of us. Everything we do is good for Bosniaks and for the country of Serbia, “stated Mufi.

He advised the public to properly raise their children.

“Raise a generation to have control of their future, to know, to dare, and to succeed.”

From this honorable place Mufti told country authorities that Bosniaks are ready for dialogue.

“Yes, I accept the proposition for dialogue. We want dialogue with representatives of the state, and with the people, a dialogue in which we will not deny the value of each other. We are in need of an agreement, a Sandzak agreement, and an inter-state agreement. A deal works only when it’s lead between parties that respect the principles of one another. We want the real deal and not a fluke. One is that the victims (martyrs) receive recognition. “

Proud of all the gathered believers, Mufti stated that one does not look at the quantity of the seed, but rather its quality and added that those who dare are happy, because a life lived in fear and in slavery to people is misery.

“To all those who wish to have a future with us, we offer our hand,” concluded Mufti Zukorlic.













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