Chetniks schedule “Liberation walk” through Novi Pazar for October 23


cetnici-novorusijaNovi Pazar – The Chetnik movement invites all admirers of patriotic Serbian liberation wars that their presence be at Peter's church on October 23, 2014 in commemoration of the fallen war heroes, to pay tribute to those brave Serbs who didn’t spare their lives for the liberation of Serbia from slavery to the Turks. The requiem and march are scheduled for 10.00 am.

Novi Pazar was freed October 23, 1912 and on that day after the requiem we will take part in the commemoration service at Peter's church in peace and dignity and then walk to the church of St. Nicholas where we light candles for the famous general and liberator of Novi Pazar, Mikhail Zivkovic. Then, at 12.00 p.m., we will continue on the “Liberation walk” to Novi Pazar’s municipality where we deliver our initiative to set up the monument of General Mikhail Zivkovic in the city park. This will be the end of the all-Serbian celebration of this significant date.

The Chetnik Movement also calls on all patriotic organizations wishing to participate in the celebration of this important date, as well as the initiative and filing required by the Municipal Assembly of Novi Pazar to build a monument in remembrance of General Mikhail Zivkovic to contact the Chetnik movement in regards to forming the Organizing Committee, “Remember who your ancestors were “. This is nationwide thing and, only united, Serbs will survive. All for one and one for all!

The walk will be led by the descendants of Novi Pazar’s liberators and during the walk which we have named “Liberation walk”, all participants will receive a t-shirt with the inscription “Remember who your ancestors were,” which symbolically shows that we have not forgotten our heroic ancestors who fought and died for golden freedom and the honorable Cross.

Commander Bratislav Zivkovic of the Chetnik movement



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