Kirby: It is unrealistic to expect investors in Sjenica

Sjenica - US Ambassador Michael Kirby stated today in Sjenici that the agricultural development of the region is limited by poor road infrastructure and...

Babies dying in Novi Pazar due to negligence from gynecology department?

Novi Pazar - Despite criticism, the hospital is still operating. Residents of Novi Pazar have no other place for treatment, especially those in poor...

Secretary of Sandzak Mufti, Edin Djerlek, took part in World Peace Conference in Seoul

Novi Pazar - Organized by the World Alliance for Peace in Seoul, the World Peace Conference in Seoul, Republic of Korea was held from...

Ko je čovjek koji je držao taoce u Sydneyju

Australija - Sheik Haron, koji je u Australiju pobjegao iz Irana, više od 50 puta je optuživan za seksualno zlostavljanje. Otmičar, koji je više od...

Zukorlic: Fejzic fears for his job so he doesn't know what he's saying

Sandzak – The Reis of the Islamic community in Montenegro Rifat effendi Fejzic is insecure and afraid for his position because otherwise I can...

Massive emigration of Sandzak Bosniaks – The search for a better life

Sandzak – “Seeking one’s fortune” a proverb said centuries ago by our ancestors for those who abandon their families, their homeland, seeking nafaka (fortune)...

Imamovic: “Sandzak to obtain a high degree of autonomy – similar to South Tyrol”

Northern Sandzak - Vice president and deputy of SDA Sandzak Enis Imamovic believes that Sandzak should have a high degree of autonomy as does...

Serbian Chetniks from Ukraine threaten to attack Sandzak

Serbia, Novi Pazar- Chetnik movement commander Bratislav Živković who spent two months in Novorusija commanding Slavjanic detachment "John Sevic", currently resides in Moscow preparing...

Iz časa u čas – Izbori za BNV 2018.

Donosimo vam vijesti koje nam pristižu sa terena vezano za predstojeće izbore za Bošnjačko nacionalno vijeće, da bi sve Sandžaklije u zemlji i inostranstvu...

Belgrade: The National Assembly building site was once home to a mosque, this is...

Serbia - Imagine walking through Belgrade at the Nikola Pasic Square, and as you descend towards Tasmajdan, instead of passing the next National Assembly...

Routes running through Sandzak are nightmares for residents

A usual route running through the Sandzak region consists of potholes, stomach-wrenching curves, bumps and gaping meteor sized patches tearing through the asphalt. These...

Svjetski bošnjački kongres mubarekliše Ramazan svim Bošnjacima svijeta

BiH - U povodu mubarek mjeseca Ramazana predsjednik Svjetskog bošnjačkog kongresa reisu-l-ulema emeritus dr. Mustafa Cerić je uputio čestitku Bošnjacima u domovini i svijetu...

U Australiji ubijena djevojka porijeklom iz Bijelog Polja

Australija - Maša Vukotić (17), porijeklom iz Bijelog Polja, u utorak je na smrt izbodena u parku u blizinu svoje kuće u Stanton ulici...

Chetnik threats escalade as their arrival nears

Serbia - After four months of war in Ukraine on the side of pro-Russian forces, the commander of the Chetnik terrorist movement, Bratislav Zivkovic,...

Krcat Pendik – Pazarci uz tekbire i fatihu odali počast stradalima u terorističkom napadu...

Vrata dvorana Pendik zatvorena su 40 minuta prije početka meča i skoro 1000 ljudi nije uspjelo da uđe na meč sezone između Novog Pazara...

Ovaj dokumentarac treba pogledati svaki Bošnjak – Ovako se brani Islamska zajednica!

Pogledajte četiri dijela dokumentarnog filma "Odbrana Islamske zajednice" u Sandžaku u periodu od 1990 do 2017. godine.

Austria: Prohibition of funding Imams and mosques from abroad

Austria - The law clearly emphasizes that the laws of the State take precedence over religious rules. The Austrian government has adopted a draft...

Potražnja i distribucija knjige “Drevna Bosna” nadmašila sva očekivanja

Knjiga akademika Muamera Zukorlića „Drevna Bosna“ koja je nedavno izašla iz štampe, kako smo sluteći po količini narudžbe najavljivali, zaista je preplavila Evropu i...
