Welcome to the School of the Holy Qur'an in Sandzak

Novi Pazar - Guided by the first verses of the Qur'anic publication, and the hadith (teaching) of the Prophet Mohammed p.b.u.h.,, "The best among...

Muftijin glasač putovao 21 sat avionom, pa svratio u kancelariju prije kuće

Sandžaklija Sabahudin Brulić doputovao iz daleke Australijale kako bi, kako je rekao, glasao za bolju budućnost svog naroda, željan napretka Sandžak.Poručio da je dijaspora...

Pressure on Muslims in Montenegro from regime

Rozaje – Today the Basic Court of Rozaje, held a precedent. For the first time after communism, the congregation in the dock, are charged...

Australijski parlamentarac položio zakletvu s rukom položenom na Kur'an

Australija - Ed Husic, koji je 2010. godine izabran za poslanika u australijskom parlamentu, unaprijeđen je na poziciju premijerovog sekretara za parlament. Na...

Australia, Sweden, Germany, France … Who's next?

The situation in the Australian city of Sydney was alarming, where an armed kidnapper held 17 hostages captive for 16 hours at the coffee...

Belgrade: The National Assembly building site was once home to a mosque, this is...

Serbia - Imagine walking through Belgrade at the Nikola Pasic Square, and as you descend towards Tasmajdan, instead of passing the next National Assembly...

Obilježavanje prve godišnjice Svjetskog bošnjačkog kongresa 29. decembra u Sarajevu

Cijenjeni članovi Svjetskog Bošnjačkog Kongresa, Obavještavamo Vas da će, a u povodu obilježavanja prve godišnjice Svjetskog Bošnjačkog Kongresa, 29. decembra 2013.godine, s početkom u 12.30h...

Dzudzo – I approved textbooks with drawings of the Prophet Muhammed, pbuh

Northern Sandzak - Esad Dzudzo signed approval for printing the controversial textbook with illustrations of the Prophet Muhammed, and, admitted he hadn’t examined it...

Ono što je dobro za državu, loše je za Đukanovića

Poslanici opozicije jedinstveni u ocjeni da su prognoze premijera Đukanovića o KAP-u neutemeljene, diskutabilne i nerealne Poslanici opozicije jedinstveni su u ocjeni da su prognoze...

Masovno iseljavanje Bošnjaka Sandžaka u dijasporu – Potraga za boljim životom

Neka još Bošnjaci glasaju kao što su glaslai u posljednjih 20 godina, za sljedećih 20 godina nas neće biti puno ...

UPAMTIMO – Ovako su predsjednici Erdogan i Vučić obećali autoput Sandžak-Sarajevo

11. oktobar 2017. Na ovaj datum su narodu Sandžaka, dva predsjednika, dala velika obećanja:Predsjednik Erdogan: "Istovremeno ćemo raditi autoputeve prema Tuzli i Sandžaku"Predsjednik Vučić: "Spojit...

Gledajte Sandžak TV uživo u kvalitetnijem izdanju

Sa zadovoljstvom obavještavamo Bošnjake Novog Pazara, Tutina, Sjenice, Prijepolja, Brodareva, Nove Varoši, Priboja, Rožaja, Petnice, Berana, Gusinja, Plava, Bijelog Polja, Pljevalja, Bosne i Hercegovine,...

Frequent Serbian conversions to Islam

Austria, Serbia - We are witnessing more frequent acceptances of Islam by members of Serbian nationality.  Just yesterday the media reported three conversions to...

Muslims of Serbia and Sandzak upset over belittlement of Prophet, p.b.u.h

Through the Facebook network our youth groups spread the call to protest against the desecration of  the image of Prophet Muhammed, p.b.u.h., in textbooks...

Babies dying in Novi Pazar due to negligence from gynecology department?

Novi Pazar - Despite criticism, the hospital is still operating. Residents of Novi Pazar have no other place for treatment, especially those in poor...

Mufti Zukorlic: ‘Western media must apologize for linking Islam with terrorism’

Novi Pazar – During the two-hour interview with Sandzak Mufti Muamer ef. Zukorlic for Sandzak Television, he spoke about the actualized issue of terrorism...

Chetniks schedule “Liberation walk” through Novi Pazar for October 23

Novi Pazar - The Chetnik movement invites all admirers of patriotic Serbian liberation wars that their presence be at Peter's church on October 23,...

International University and its staff among the best in Serbia

Serbia - NGO iSerbia together with a team of sociologists, which was managed by Mr. Ana Ranitović and spec. Milos Jovanovic conducted research on...
