Message from Montenegro: Islam promotes peace

Sandzak, Montenegro - Montenegrin media should make the difference between terrorists and religion known, announced speakers at the press conference organized by the Bosniak...

Britanski muslimani na udaru obavještajaca

Velika Britanija - Plan vlasti za uvođenje nadzora online komunikacija je orvelijanski i pretvara Veliku Britaniju u policijsku državu, tvrde muslimani. Borci za zaštitu privatnosti...

Zakir Naik – Na Zapadu nema slobode govora, Zapad je nepravedan


A call for the killing of Sandzak Muslims

Priboj – At the same place where only a few days ago activists of the Youth Office from Priboj painted over hate graffiti written...

Britanska vlada traži od obdaništa da prijave potencijalne teroriste među djecom

Velika Britanija- Naslov našeg teksta je prijevod naslova teksta iz jednog britanskog medija. Riječ je o antiterorističkom zakonu kojeg priprema britanska vlada. Ako se usvoji...

Vucic: Do not harass citizens of the Islamic faith in Serbia, I am visiting...

Sandzak- Serbia strongly condemns the terrorist act and terrible crime that took place in Paris, said Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic today, concerning the attack...

Australia, Sweden, Germany, France … Who's next?

The situation in the Australian city of Sydney was alarming, where an armed kidnapper held 17 hostages captive for 16 hours at the coffee...

Izraelskim komandosima koji su napali brod “Mavi Marmara” sudiće se u Velikoj Britaniji

  Turska - Turska humanitarna organizacija IHH saopćila je da će se izraelskim komandosima, koji su 31. maja 2010. godine napali turski humanitarni brod “Mavi...

Mufti Zukorlic: ‘Western media must apologize for linking Islam with terrorism’

Novi Pazar – During the two-hour interview with Sandzak Mufti Muamer ef. Zukorlic for Sandzak Television, he spoke about the actualized issue of terrorism...

Routes running through Sandzak are nightmares for residents

A usual route running through the Sandzak region consists of potholes, stomach-wrenching curves, bumps and gaping meteor sized patches tearing through the asphalt. These...

Center for Humanitarian Work “Hajrat”: Glimmer of hope for poverty-stricken families

The Center for Humanitarian Work "Hajrat" is a branch of the Islamic Community in Serbia that as thus far helped thousands of homeless, ill...

Frequent Serbian conversions to Islam

Austria, Serbia - We are witnessing more frequent acceptances of Islam by members of Serbian nationality.  Just yesterday the media reported three conversions to...

Mufti Dudic welcomes Turkish diplomat

Novi Pazar, Turkey – On Friday, December 19th 2014. President of the Meshihat Islamic Community in Serbia, mufti Dr. Mevlud Dudić welcomed the First...

Pressure on Muslims in Montenegro from regime

Rozaje – Today the Basic Court of Rozaje, held a precedent. For the first time after communism, the congregation in the dock, are charged...

Velika Britanija: Učinit ćemo sve da Hamas ostane na listi terorističkih organizacija

Svijet - Velika Britanija je poručila da odluka Evropskog međunarodnog suda pravde o skidanju Hamasa sa liste terorističkih organizacija ne znači da su Ujedinjeno...

Austria: Prohibition of funding Imams and mosques from abroad

Austria - The law clearly emphasizes that the laws of the State take precedence over religious rules. The Austrian government has adopted a draft...

Why does Hague remain indifferent to the crimes in Sandzak?

The persecution of Croats in the village of Hrtkovci was prosecuted by the ICTY for war crimes, while the mass crimes against Bosniaks of...

Cameron: Britanija i Turska zajedno protiv ISIL-a

Svijet - Britanski premijer sa turskim zvaničnicima razgovarao o zaustavljanju stranih boraca koji se žele pridružiti ISIL-u. Velika Britanija i Turska rade "najbliže moguće" na...

Bosnian diaspora enraged over staged political trials and verdicts of Montenegro's high court against...

Dec. 7, 2014. Government of the Republic of Montenegro, parliamentarians, the Minister of Justice and the Supreme State Prosecutor, governments and embassies of democratic countries...

Britanski muslimani izloženi novom obliku diskriminacije

Velika Britanija - Muslimani u Britaniji se suočavaju sa ogromnim poteškoćama i njihove prilike za zaposlenje su veoma male. Muslimani u Britaniji suočavaju se sa...
