Balkan Bosnian and Muslim leaders in Mecca



World – The four-day conference organized by the Muslim World League – Rabita, under the auspices of the King of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdul Aziz, in Mecca, the Islamic Community in Serbia was represented by a three-member delegation consisting of: President Dr. Mufti Mevlud  ef. Dudic, Sandzak Mufti Muamer ef. Zukorlic and Mearif service manager Mr. Enver ef. Omerovic.

During the conference, several hundred savants and representatives of Islamic communities all over the world presented their reports and sought to make a contribution on the topic “Islam and the fight against terrorism”.

The conference was opened by the Governor of Mecca, Prince Khalid bin Faisal reading King Selman’s speech, and the occasion was also addressed by the Mufti of Saudi Arabia, as well as the General Secretary of Rabite.

During the conference, members of our delegation had observed presentations and discussions, as well as interviews with important persons and participants of the Conference and a number of statements for the media, one of which was particularly notable was the interview Mufti Zukorlić gave for the first channel state Saudi television.

From the Balkan region, the Conference participates were Reis-ul-ulema Husein ef. Kavazović, Reis-ul-ulema emeritus, Mufti Mustafa Ceric as well as muftis from Kosovo, Bulgaria, Zagreb and Ljubljana, as well as representatives of the Islamic Community of Albania and Cyprus.

On the second day of the conference special attention was drawn by Dr. Mustafa Ceric’s report, who in his own style very convincingly pointed to the key causes of the atmosphere of violence, emphasizing that educational upbringing was the right way to combat violence and that one violent act always generates another.




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