Ljajic: Mladic told me he is not to blame for Srebrenica, resolution doesn't bring any good


rasim ratko

Serbia – Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Rasim Ljajic said that it would be a crime to deny what happened in Srebrenica, but it also doesn't do any good to politicize the entire case, especially if “you try to reach some political points on the misfortune of others”.

He was a guest on the show “Right Angle” Radio Television of Vojvodina, and exclusively told host that the former commander of the Army of the Republic of Serbia, General Ratko Mladic, once arrested, asked to talk to him (Rasim) about his rights and what to expect from the National Council for Cooperation with the Hague Tribunal.

Ljajic said that he debated whether to go meet with Mladic, and that in conversation with him, General Mladic then, crying, said he was innocent of the crimes in Srebrenica, and that he didn’t kill those people, to which Rasim replied that he made no claims that Mladic personally went around killing people, but that someone did and that someone is guilty of the murder of 8,000 people. Ljajic recalled that the International Court of Justice has given clear legal classification of that work, a judgment that the genocide in Srebrenica did, in fact, occur, but that Serbia was not responsible for it.

“He told me – these foreigners did it,” said Ljajic, adding that he answered that they didn’t commit the crimes, but they are responsible for failing to prevent them …

“At one point he told me that he had an urgent need, because I'm a Muslim, to tell me that he is not guilty of the crimes in Srebrenica. I replied that it was not for me to judge, and that there is a court to assess whether he is guilty or not, and that I will not go into that, “he said.

Ljajic reveals that General Mladic then started to cry, repeating that he really did not commit the crimes and then explained how the Dutch and the Americans behaved at the time.

Ljajic pointed out that the Hague Tribunal did not accomplish its mission, and that did not contribute to the reconciliation process, which is reflected in every judgment, which was “met with hostility” by this or that side.

“There are many double standards at that court, quite like this circus with Seselj, … the Court has definitely lost credibility and my opinion regarding this has never changed,” he explains.

The text of the resolution on Srebrenica and the way it is designed, he added, cannot contribute to the reconciliation process that is necessary and that is why, he says, Vučić's visit to Srebrenica is of bigger importance, than the adoption of “three such resolutions” which are returned antagonisms.

Ljajic emphasized that Vučić's intention to go to Srebrenica is honest and clean because, he says, we have to continue living after July 11th.

“But, simply, there is no public support for this act. So we're all going to die from economic misery unless something doesn’t improve … people need to communicate and collaborate, ” he said and concludes that the behavior and acts of various parties set us back five steps backwards, mentioning the petition for students to not attend Srebrenica.

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