Appeal to stop emigration of elite Bosniak intellectuals from Kosovo


Kosovo – In the moment when our state of Kosovo has allowed academic studies in their mother tongue, master and phd studies, legally validation can be asked for and applied to the whole community, until then the law should state that the process of validation is only valid for the Albanian community, as well as the validation of our diplomas, which can go through the system for evaluation of the ENIC and not the NARIC.

  • The Government of Kosovo continues through MEST, without any explanation, the unprincipled policy of selective seeking recognition of diplomas from intellectuals from the Bosniak community with degrees in Bosnia and Serbia and threaten expulsion from work. During the last months this act of state institutions takes on the outlines of phenomena in that they are threatening the loss of job position, if within 15 days you do not make a valid document. On the other hand, MEST, even after several years, did not submit any reply to Bosniak intellectuals on the validation of their diplomas.
  • A large number of Bosniak Intellectuals who have been employed for over 15 years, regardless of their professionalism and expertise, because of this treatment, have become hostages and victims of some kind of “high politics”. This begs the question, how is it possible that someone can work with the same degrees in all the neighboring countries and the EU, but can not in his native country Kosovo. Even those who own SPARK's certificates (European University Association) can not be employed.
  • Linear legal right, according to our analysis, does not apply equally to all ethnic communities, when it comes to the process of validation. There are explicit examples, even in the government institutions, where people work without valid diplomas but are from other communities. There are “recommendations” to the recognition of not rushing it and not searching for it. For these reasons, the question arises whether the legal principle of validation applies to all ethnic communities in Kosovo or is a partial basis, where Bosniaks are collateral damage relations between Belgrade and Pristina.
  • In these difficult conditions faced by Kosovo Bosniaks, elitocid, as an attempt to eliminate the intellectual champions of a nation, where they threaten human, national, civil and constitutional rights, personal and professional dignity, the definition of the state of Kosovo are its Bosniak Intellectuals.

For these reasons, the signatories of this appeal, the Government of Kosovo and MEST, are taking this alarming situation of the recruitment process of intellectuals, who for this reason are involuntarily forced to emigrate, require:

  1. To urgently resolve the issue of validation acquired in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and other countries, so as to not directly be responsible for the brain drain and the exodus of Bosniak Intellectuals but also the community in general.
  2. To stop showing “legal force” on the back of one ethnic community, which together with others, build the foundations of statehood and institutional life, according to the Kosovo Constitution and other legislation and to cease considering the Bosniak Intellectuals collateral damage and a mere political game between Kosovo and Serbia.

From representatives of international companies, embassies, non-governmental organizations for the protection of human and minority rights, media, we are looking to get involved in solving this acute problem, because, as a result of neglect and marginalization of this problem, a week on average, at least one family of a Bosniak intellectuals leave Kosovo, writes the appeal of the joint Bosniak Corps, intellectuals, NGO sector and the legitimate political representatives in the Parliament of Kosovo, which was signed by Emilija Rexhepi, Rasim Demiri and Duda Balje.


SANA Agency

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